Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY! I am seriously so happy that the weekend is finally here. I know I said it last week as well, but this week felt like it was never going to end. I think not having anything exciting going on is partially to blame for this super-long-never-ending week. However, the weekend is finally here so go enjoy it!


1. The Boston Marathon
Seriously, ANYTHING about the Boston Marathon is what I'm loving this week. The fact that people ran 26.2 miles in terrible conditions to the female winner being the first American since 1985. I'm just amazed.


2. Dunkin Donuts On-The-Go Ordering
This isn't anything new but I have been SUPER thankful for it these past couple months. While I'm getting ready, I'll quickly send in my Dunkin order. When I get to Dunkin, I just have to swing through the drive-thru real quick or run in and grab my coffee that is waiting there just for me! Easy-peasy lemon-squeasy. It also keeps me from needing to socially interact with others before having some caffeine in my system or waiting in a long line.


3. The Share the Spark Campaign
The #sharetheSPARK campaign is all about giving others a little extra support or encouragement. Until the end of April, you can get discounted prices on the #sharetheSPARK Motivate Wrap collection in order to help people give others the gift of motivation and support! I just LOVE this idea and am highly considering participating in the campaign. Now just to decide which of the four mantras to choose from...

4. Running Blogs
This has been something I have been loving for awhile but I feel as if recently I have found even more great running blogs to read! I love that each blog I come across has it's own personality and approach to the topic of running. If anyone has any suggestions of blogs for me to check out, please let me know! And if you're interesting in some of my favorites, feel free to ask! Maybe eventually I'll put together a list of my favorites on here (future Friday Five?!).


5. Naps
Apparently this week I have reverted back to my college days where I can't make it through a whole day without some sort of nap. I'm not sure what's been up with me this week, but I have required a nap almost everyday after work in order to be able to function. At first, I was frustrated with myself for being so sleepy and not getting a lot done after work. Now I have just begun embracing that #naplife and taking advantage of the free time I have had this week to do so.

Question(s) of the Day: What are you loving this week? Do you have any running blogs to suggest?


  1. The Boston marathon was SO inspiring this year! I'm in serious awe of what all the runners did with such terrible weather conditions.

    I love Hungry Runner Girl as a running blog. Janae is super real with what's going on and I love her personality.

    1. I am definitely going to have to check out that blog! Thanks for the suggestion! The fact that the word "hungry" is in her title already makes me like her.

    2. She posts so many good eats and always links recipes she makes. I've gotten some great ideas from her.
