This run ended up turning into a 1.5 mile easy run after I realized how hot it was out at 6 in the morning... I also had to drive to Delaware shortly after this run so I figured shortening the mileage was fine.
1 mile walk with Tommy in his wagon
W4D3: Tempo Run (10:30 pace goal) + Cross Training
1 mile warm up, 5 miles @ MP (10:24, 10:29, 10:26, 10:28, 10:29), 1 mile cool down
1 hour yoga class
W4D5: 11 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:44
* I haven’t been too concerned about my pace on long runs because the heat has been unbearable and I’m just happy I could run that far in it. I’d prefer it to get back to my pace goal but one step at a time.*
Knoebels trip with my family! Over 8 miles of walking!
W4D7: Easy Run
I love to run when I’m on vacation just to explore a bit. I managed to run a quick mile around our campground before we headed into the park!
Total Weekly Mileage: 20.5 miles
This wasn’t my best week, but I got through it so all is good! I did my long run on a Friday since I’d be away all weekend which may be happening the next couple Fridays as well. Saturday and Sunday consisted of a ton of walking so I definitely got my workout this week. I slacked off in the strength training area because of being busy so hopefully that changes this coming week!
Great job this week! Getting speed in when it's hot can be tough, I try to just tell myself I'll feel even better after since I can go home to lay on the ground for 30 minutes lol.