Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My Go-To Snacks

Between teaching, running, and having a social life, I find myself constantly busy. When I'm busy, I don't always have time to sit down and have a full meal so snacks are a necessity! Today I am sharing with you some of my favorite go-to snacks I always try to have on hand.

Pretzel Crisps
These are my go-to when I'm craving something salty. I think these pretzels are better than any other pretzels because they hold up when it comes to any dip. Plus they look bigger due to the flatness of them so I feel as if I'm eating more!

Homemade Granola Bars
Back in December I got a mold to make my own homemade granola bars. I know, I know, I could've just made them in a pan but we all know that they can be a pain to cut up once they've baked. I've been making my own granola bars for a few months now, using a variety of ingredients such as cereals, honey, crushed pretzels, and chia seeds. I like to make my granola bars as simple as possible.

Homemade Granola
I love granola, but with a nut allergy I'm limited to what pre-packaged granola I can have. Instead, I just make my own! I follow the Ginger Molasses Granola recipe from Run Fast, Eat Slow and it is to die for! I alter the ingredients a bit but I still follow the base of the recipe.

Hard Boiled Eggs
Thanks to my egg cooker, I've been enjoying hard boiled eggs almost every day! They are so easy to slip in my lunch bag {as long as I know I'm putting it in a fridge} and eat sometime during the day. I also find them to be pretty filling.

Dry Cereal
I've loved dry cereal as a snack throughout the day dating back to high school when I would bring Ziplocks of it in my backpack to eat during class. My usual choice is Cheerios because they don't produce as many crumbs so less of a mess.

Question of the Day: What is your go-to snack?


  1. Pretzel crisps are addicting. Have you tried the buffalo or pepper flavors? So delicious!

    Cereal is so good but I tend to buy the more sugary kinds (I'm a sucker for cinnamon toast crunch) since I love to snack on a bowl of it at night or for a snack.

    One of my go to snacks is a banana and peanut butter, assuming the banana is spotty enough. A never fail one is the hummus with veggies or pretzels.

    1. I haven't but now I want to! The buffalo sounds like they would be delicious in a ranch dip!

      I definitely love sugar cereal! I save that for my after work or late night snack, too. I don't know how people can eat a bowl of a sugary cereal for breakfast because it never fills me enough for a meal.

      Hummus is always great to keep on hand! I love that you can dip so many different things in it. I haven't had a banana and peanut butter in awhile but that was one of my favorite snacks in college!

    2. I love both of the flavors. The pepper one almost have a cheese flavor to it since there's some onion and garlic powder in it. It sounds weird but it's tasty!

      Cereal never fills me up so I don't really buy it. Also it doesn't help that our cabinets are too short to hold a box of it. I secretly love that my parents get that cereal since my younger brother is a tapeworm and eats all the time. Definitely love to see cereal there when we visit.

  2. I have a serious “Salt-tooth” so pretzel crisps are many times my go-to, but I haven’t tried the sourdough version- looks sooo good! And you are motivating me to make homemade granola bars & granola I need to try that. I can’t believe I never have! I also LOVE hardboiled eggs. I was a weird kid who loved eating them growing up too- they are just so darn delicious. And dry cereal is just necessary sometimes! I think my go-to snack right now is yogurt with granola and berries! Thanks for sharing, Em :)

    1. I haven't had yogurt with granola and berries in awhile! It's such a yummy, refreshing snack! Thanks for stopping by :)
