Monday, March 25, 2019

My Week in Pictures XIV

Happy Monday, everyone! It's hard to believe that we are entering our last week of March. Didn't March just start?! Anyway, last week was a mix of relaxing and busy. Follow along to see what I was up to all week!

Our week started with some relaxing on the couch with some Netflix and popcorn.

I felt sick most of Tuesday and woke up feeling work on Wednesday so a sick day was necessary. After a doctors appointment, I picked up a bagel to eat in bed while catching up on This Is Us.

Dexter helped me feel better with his snuggles!

I felt good enough to go get our free water ice at Rita's for the First Day of Spring ;) It really helped my sore throat!

Thursday (March 21) was Rock Your Socks Day for World Down Syndrome Day. My {goofy} students and I participated!

We went to dinner at John's parents on Friday night so I went for a quick run around our old neighborhood before we ate.

Saturday John and I ran the Phillies Charities 5K! It was John's first race in awhile and we both had a blast!

Afterwards we had to take advantage of being in Philly and stopped for a Geno's cheesesteak!

After a long Saturday afternoon nap, we finally went and booked our honeymoon!! We'll be going to Riviera May!

We met up with my sister, nephew, and brother at Barnes and Noble for a little bit after we left the travel agent. Next stop was dinner with my grandparents at Olive Garden. Never ending stuffed pasta bowls?! Yes, please!

Sunday was a lazy yet productive day! We finally picked the tuxes for the wedding and I am so excited to see them on the guys! So many wedding things this week :)

Questions of the Day: What is your sick day remedy? 
If you've gone on a honeymoon, where did you go? If you haven't, where is your dream destination?


  1. There's nothing better than a movie and popcorn after work. It's the best! The picture of Riviera Maya looks so nice! I could use some bright blue skies right now haha.

    When I'm sick, I like to take it as easy as possible and just relax on the couch with a blanket and cuddle up to watch tv or a movie. Simple but I think it helps.

    1. Booking the honeymoon felt awesome because now I have the blue skies to look forward to on these colder, dreary days. You have the same idea as me on a sick day! As the day went on, I felt a little better and thought maybe I should do some housework but then curling up with my blanket and good Tv felt better.

    2. It's so fun to have things ahead on the schedule to look forward to. When I was sick a month or so ago and worked from home, I still worked but since I was just hanging out on the couch I was still resting and felt better in the afternoon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I cannot believe it’s the last week of March either!! So crazy! Fastest month ever. I hope you are feeling 100% by now!! This is Us & a bagel sounds like a great way to rest and recover. Aw yay for Rita’s! That looks so yummmmy!

    AHH! How exciting about booking the honeymoon- wooohooo! Riveria maya sounds perfect. Soo happy for youuu!

    Sick remedy: Lots of airborne when I feel it coming on, then rest, and tons of water/tea!
    - Honeymoon : Bora bora!

  4. Airborne is the greatest!! and oh my gosh you went to Bora Bora? That was where John wanted to go but it just wasn't in our budget. I can't get over how pretty it is!!
