Wednesday, June 26, 2019

2019 Goals: June Update

Like I say in the beginning of every month, I can’t believe it’s already the end of June! As much as I’m excited to get to my wedding in August, I’d be quite okay if time slowed down just a teensy bit. It’s day 3 of my summer job and so far, so good! I’m come home exhausted each day but it’s be good otherwise!  In typical last-Wednesday-of-the-month fashion, let's talk about how my 2019 goals are going!

We’re at that time of year where sprinklers are necessary during a run!

Goal 1: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
This has been my JAM this month! As part of the weight loss challenge I am part of, we are able to go to certain classes and get 3 personal training sessions. John and I have gotten into the habit of going every Saturday to a class, which has been awesome! I’m already starting to see results in my arms which will be perfect come the wedding day!

Goal 2: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
With our shower his past month, we’ve been opening and disposing of a lot of boxes so our recycling game has been on point! We actually have so many boxes that we still haven’t gotten all of them picked up by recycling because they don’t all fit in the can. Now that I am starting to teach arts and crafts, I am trying to come up with some crafts that reuse items so any ideas are welcome!

Goal 3: Reduce Phone Usage
This has been a bit easier lately because life has been so busy! I find myself not even knowing where my phone is some days because I’m so absorbed in the task at hand. I am hoping to get a lot of reading done now that I have a long lunch at work!

It may look/sound weird but it’s soo delicious!

Goal 4: Try New Recipes
Thanks to our new appliances from my bridal shower, this goal just got so much easier! We received an instant pot which we’ve used twice so far. The first recipe we tried was a sesame chicken. It was surprisingly delicious! The second time we made chicken breast which we then shredded and mixed with taco seasoning for chicken tacos. I received a lot of recipes from our friends and family at my shower that I am eager to start trying! Also, my lunches lately have been spinach salads with strawberries and cottage cheese in place of dressing. So yummy while being pretty healthy!

Goal 5: Give Back
This is a goal that didn't get as much attention the past few months. I am currently brainstorming things I can do!

Goal 6: Save Money
Aldi has been my best friend lately as they carry so many delicious foods for such a low price! My Poshmark closet has been kicking lately with so many sales! To be quite honest, I haven’t been to active on their yet I made 7 sales this month. One of those sales was a like-new pair of Brooks that I just wasn’t in love with. That brought in a nice chunk of change :) if you haven’t already, sign up for Poshmark using my code ELCHRISTMAN for $10 off your first purchase. Sign up ASAP before they lower it back down to $5!

Question of the Day: How are your 2019 goals coming along? Have you completed anything on your 19 in 2019 list, if you made one?


  1. I tried using Poshmark and I didn't really like it. After a while, I just took the items down and donated them instead. Maintain a healthy lifestyle made me laugh since I've had pizza 3 times this week already haha. Moving problems I guess.

    My 2019 goals got a little wonky since I'm not running now. I was going to consider a fall marathon to try and break 4 hours but I don't think I'd feel comfortable running that much yet since I'm still not running. Maybe I'll try and PR in the half but I'm not sure. In life goals one was moving which is kind of happening this weekend so that's going well.

    1. It did take some getting used to for me. I tried it in the past and didn't like it and then tried it again later and had better luck. Moving time was literally the most unhealthy time for me because we ate out constantly and I had no time to work out. AND it was during marathon training lol oh well!

      That makes sense! PRing in the half sounds like a good goal! I thought by now I'd have a fall race goal but I don't and I probably should get on that haha.

    2. Maybe I just wasn't putting the right words into the description to get people to look at my posts. Maybe in the future I'll try it again. I can't imagine moving while marathon training. You're a beast for that!!

      I don't have anything set in stone haha. I'm just throwing around ideas in my head. We shall see what happens in the fall!
