Monday, October 28, 2019

My Week in Pictures XXXV

Hi everybody! I can't believe Monday is actually here. I could've totally used another day to relax. Luckily, after this week I have a full week off for NJEA Convention week so I just have to survive this week and then I'm free :) Last week was equally busy and relaxing. Today I'm sharing what I was up to all week!

Monday was the day after the Hershey Half so I treated myself to a chai latte on my way to work!

On Tuesday I drank strawberry wine while making pierogies for dinner. We had both been craving them for awhile.

The boys are really starting to like each other :)

Ashley, Tommy, and Joey joined our Wednesday night Chick-Fil-A date.

I started Friday off with a Dunkin' pumpkin iced coffee. I can't get enough of them!

Friday night called for relaxing and watching TV with some kitty snuggles :)

We also baked some cookies as treat.

We started our Saturday off with a workout class and grabbed protein shakes on the way out.

When we got home, I baked some pumpkin chip cookies that my friend Maureen shared with me!

I went for a nice run later on.

We made pancakes as usual on Sunday and I went with a Halloween theme!

Question of Day: What was a highlight of your weekend?


  1. I haven't had a pierogi in so long. I'll have to check our grocery store for them next time I'm shopping. It's such an easy dinner to make. Your pumpkin pancake looks so good! I usually just end up with blobs for pancakes haha. You definitely made a good choice Monday by treating yourself to a chai latte. Now I want one...

    One highlight from this weekend was having my parents in town. We haven't seen them in a long time so it was great to see them and show them our new neighborhood.

    1. I was craving them so I was excited when Aldi actually had them! I always forget how quick they are so then I was hurrying up to get everything else done for it lol. That was the one nice pancake I got out of the batch haha.

      That's awesome that you got a weekend with them and they could see the new place! Did they stay with you?

    2. There's not an Aldi near us but I'll put it on my list for when I drive by one! Of course I was just near one last week haha.

      They stayed in the guest suite of our building which was perfect!

    3. A guest suite?! That is so cool! I never heard of that in a complex.

    4. Yeah it's in our building! I think it might be a city thing? I'm not sure but it was WAY cheaper than hotels and the room was really nice so it was a win
