Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Happy Friday! I can't if this week went by fast or slow. I guess that's a good thing? After a crazy week at work, I'm looking forward to my weekend! Tomorrow we have a bunch of events going on, so we have to make a plan as to what we actually want to do. My brother and I will get our long run done in the morning and I'm looking forward to that. We have some easy miles on the schedule to help us rest up for our 20 miler next weekend! I can't believe it's approaching so quickly. I'll talk more about that weekend later on, but for now, let's get to the real reason you're here: my Friday Five!

1. Clever Cutter Scissors
I don't know how else to describe these except by saying they're scissors with a cutting board. My mom purchased these for me as a gift (I love getting kitchen gadgets as gifts) awhile ago, and while I used them off and on before, I've been using them constantly since we've moved out! They're perfect for cutting veggies (goodbye, attempting to cut thicker carrots) and cooked chicken or steak for a salad or stir fry! After looking up the Clever Cutter in order to provide a link for purchase on this post, I was surprised to see how decently priced they are! I also noticed they're an "As Seen On TV" item and that makes so much sense! I 100% recommend these to anyone who wants an easier and MUCH more quicker way to cut veggies and other food! Here they are on Amazon if you want to check them out more!

2. Compression Sleeves/Socks for Recovery
A couple years ago, I purchased my first pair of compression sleeves at a race expo. They seemed cool and the benefits of them were overwhelming. Since purchasing them, I've worn them a couple times during a run but just didn't feel like they were necessary. The last time I trained for a marathon, I started wearing them after a long run to help with recovery and learned that they work best for that! After all my long runs (after my shower!), I'll put on either my compression sleeves or socks and where them around for awhile. I've found that my legs recover so much quicker when I wear them post-run.

Yes, that is a rainbow bagel!

3. Bagel Slicer
Back in college, my dining hall had the coolest bagel slicing contraption. For some reason I just loved to use it. I was lucky enough to obtain one while moving into our new house and I love it! I'm seriously the worst at cutting bagels and this prevents me from tearing a perfectly good bagel up. I used to always buy pre-cut bagels to save the hassle but now I can save money and buy bulk bagels from the grocery store!

4. Run Fast. Eat Slow. Granola Recipe
The actual recipe in Shalane and Elyse's cookbook is Ginger Molasses Granola (page 54 for anyone following along at home) but I have learned that I really don't like ginger so I leave that part out (andddd basically anything extra because I'm super basic...). I basically just make a molasses granola with a strong cinnamon taste. It is seriously delicious! The recipe is so spot on and I love the consistency. I used to make it all the time back in college and I'm starting to make it regularly again. It's perfect on top of yogurt, oatmeal, or even plain! This past week I added pumpkin spice to my mix and it is DELICIOUS!

5. DIY London Fogs
If you're familiar with the Starbucks drink the London Fog then you know it's one of the most tastiest hot tea drinks around! Back in college I used to get them all the time and lately I've been wanting one. After some online searching, I learned that along with Earl Grey tea, which I luckily keep in, it's just some hot milk and vanilla syrup. Well unfortunately I don't typically have vanilla syrup, so vanilla soy milk was going to have to do! So far my attempts have been good, but not exactly the same. I'm guessing that's because I'm missing the stronger vanilla flavor. I have been able to get the milk frothy with some little blender gadget (love my gadgets!) my mom had given me awhile back. I may have to pick up some vanilla syrup soon to complete this recipe and have London Fogs all fall and winter long!

Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I hate bagel slicers. I never get an even slice!! Granted it could definitely be operator error but I find them so frustrating.

    I've never heard of a London Fog but it sounds delicious! Once you master the recipe you will have to share it with me :)
