Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday Five: My 5 Favorite Foods

TGIF!! Substitute teaching makes the week really drag on so this weekend is much needed. I bounced around from teaching middle school to teaching kindergarten all week. Needless to say, it was exhausting.

I’m switching things up again this week! One of my favorite bloggers put up a post a little bit ago with her top 10 favorite foods so I’m using my Friday Five as a chance to share with you 5 of my favorite foods (I totally could’ve picked 100)!

This wasn’t all for me but I probably could’ve eat almost all of it on my own. 

1. Sushi
Thank goodness for all you can eat sushi restaurants because I will eat all that I can if given the opportunity!

I could eat burritos from Panchero’s for the rest of my life, in case you were wondering...

2. All Mexican Food
I know this counts as more than one food item but I just couldn’t narrow it down. I seriously love Mexican food so much, from burritos to fajitas to tacos. I can’t pick just one!

3. Cheese + Pickles with Spicy Mustard on Crackers (preferably Ritz crackers)
It may seem like a weird combo but you just HAVE to try it!

4. Sweet Potato Fries
I love ordering these at different restaurants to see what different dips they come with! One place near me has the most amazing horseradish dip and then another gives you a side of honey to dip them into. I’m pretty sure my favorite place for them is Charlie Brown’s, though, because of how crispy they are!

All breakfast foods are a winner in my book, tbh. 
5. Toast
Yes, I truly love toast enough to put it in my top 5. John thinks it’s hilarious that I could eat toast all the time and I make it as a meal sometimes. Oh, and when it comes to what’s on the toast, I’d either say butter or soy butter most of the time or just dipped in a runny egg!

I can’t stop thinking of more ideas for this list... I will have to do this again soon so I can share my other favorite foods with you guys! It was so hard to choose just 5.

Question of the Day: What is your number one favorite food?


  1. Having to pick a number one favorite food is hard! Mexican food is delicious though. I actually used leftover tacos meat and black beans and made myself nachos last night. So good!

    1. That sounds so good! I could eat Mexican food every night!
