How is it already Friday?! I’ve been busy all week due to it being my last few moments of summer and boy did it feel like a long one! Not in a bad way, though! Sadly, I’ve been neglecting my blog lately but I’m hoping with school starting and the beginning of some new routines, I’ll get back into the swing of things quickly! For now, I’ll stick with keeping up with my weekly posts and since I haven’t talked about anything marathon related lately, that’s what I’m doing today. In the sport of running there are many important products. Shoes, clothing, the perfect socks, etc. Sometimes there are products that just don’t get enough attention but we all know they play a huge role in the success of our runs! Today I’ll be sharing with you my personal 5 Most Valuable Products, especially during marathon training.
1. Body Glide
I never thought I’d need this until this summer. With the heat, you all know I’m a fan of running through sprinklers. Well, with sprinklers come wet shorts.. and with wet shorts comes the worst of all: chafing! I keep a small version of Body Glide in my hydration pack pocket and stop to apply it whenever I start to feel the tiniest bit of discomfort. I usually only apply it once and it stays the rest of my run! I couldn’t imagine a sprinkler-filled run without it.
2. KT Tape
If you’ve ever had any pain and never tried KT Tape, TRY IT! I don’t understand the science behind it, but somehow this thin little tape, when stretched and placed the right way, makes the pain (mostly) go away! Magic, amiright?! I use it on my ankle for almost all my long runs and it helps tremendously! KT Tape has gotten me through all my half and full marathons.
3. BioFreeze
This is the answer for all minor pains that I don’t fix with KT Tape. I like to put it on right before a run so as a pain arises, the area is already feeling cool. It helps alleviate any pains I get before, during, and/or after any run. I’ve been using this for years and it’s been my life saver!
4. Nuun
My favorite post-run treat is an iced cold glass of Nuun! I mix it up and put it in the fridge before I leave for my long run so that way when I return, I can sip on it while I stretch and perform any other post-run routines. Even though I hydrate pretty well during my run, it’s nice to have something with flavor while also giving me some more hydration!
5. Momentum Jewelry
This isn’t necessarily something I need for a run, but a momentum wrap really does give me that extra motivation along the way! Mantras really get me through my tougher runs (my newest mantra that I say aloud during the toughest moments of my run is “I am strong!”) so having them on my wrist is an added bonus.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Marathon Training: Week 6
W6D1: Speed Intervals (5:24 goal pace)
Warm up, 5x 1000 (5:37, 5:31, 5:36, 5:39, 5:27), cool down
*I just could not keep up with my goal pace! This heat needs to get out of here ASAP!*
W6D3: Mid-Tempo Run (9:39 pace goal)
1 mile warm up, 4 miles (9:35, 9:41, 9:34, 9:45), 1 mile cool down
W6D5: 10 mile long run + Strength Training
45 minutes strength training
Total Weekly Mileage: 21 miles
This was another hot, exhausting week, but I got the workouts done! My pace hasn’t been the best but I know I’m a few short weeks it’ll pick up in the cooler weather. Busy weekends have been forcing me to alter my schedule, which is exhausting. I can’t wait to be able to space my runs out more after Labor Day weekend!
Warm up, 5x 1000 (5:37, 5:31, 5:36, 5:39, 5:27), cool down
*I just could not keep up with my goal pace! This heat needs to get out of here ASAP!*
W6D3: Mid-Tempo Run (9:39 pace goal)
1 mile warm up, 4 miles (9:35, 9:41, 9:34, 9:45), 1 mile cool down
W6D5: 10 mile long run + Strength Training
45 minutes strength training
Total Weekly Mileage: 21 miles
This was another hot, exhausting week, but I got the workouts done! My pace hasn’t been the best but I know I’m a few short weeks it’ll pick up in the cooler weather. Busy weekends have been forcing me to alter my schedule, which is exhausting. I can’t wait to be able to space my runs out more after Labor Day weekend!
Friday, August 24, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week
Happy Friday, everyone!!! As my last full week of summer, I'd have to say this week went by pretty slowly. I’ve been really trying to hold onto these last few moments of summer and it’s working! Since yesterday was John's birthday, we are spending a majority of this weekend celebrating! I'm super excited to spend the weekend doing some fun stuff such as go to a wine festival and crabbing. But before any of that can begin, time for this week’s Friday Five!
1. The Wife Between Us
Multiple people suggested this book to me lately so I was super pumped when my library finally had it available. I’m happy to report that it’s just as good as people said! In the beginning, the story leads you to believe you’re reading about an ex-wife jealous of her ex-husband’s new wife. As you continue reading you learn to not assume. This book is full of twists and turns you’ll never see coming. I was on the edge of my seat up until the last page. 10/10 would recommend to anyone looking for a thriller book!
2. Peaches
I have been LOVING peaches lately. They’ve been good from wherever I’ve bought them (farm stand, grocery story, etc.). Peaches have been part of almost every one of my meals lately!
3. Charity Miles app
Awhile back I had heard about the Charity Miles app but I just recently started using it thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Carlee McDot, who is started using it as part of her 34 days of kindness leading up to her birthday. I’ll explain more about that in a later post, for now let’s talk about this wonderful creation! It’s super simple. Download the app, choose your charity, and then track your runs using the app. After you run, money is donated to your charity of choice! It’s seriously the easiest thing since you’re most likely going to run anyway. I’ve used it on my last few runs but sadly forgot until part way through so I haven’t added up much mileage yet.
4. Nail Strengthener
A month or so ago I finally broke the habit of biting my nails! While out this past weekend, I stumbled across a nail strengthening polish that I figured wouldn’t hurt to try out since my nails have been pretty weak and cracking a lot. I’ve been using it all week and so far I love it! My nails feel super strong and have been easier to keep long.
5. Wearing Shorts & Long Sleeve Shirts
Somehow the weather has been pretty decent this week, more so in the evening. It is finally that time of year where I can wear shorts with a long sleeve shirt, which may be one of my favorite things to wear! Being able to dress like this always gets me super pumped for the fall!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
1. The Wife Between Us
Multiple people suggested this book to me lately so I was super pumped when my library finally had it available. I’m happy to report that it’s just as good as people said! In the beginning, the story leads you to believe you’re reading about an ex-wife jealous of her ex-husband’s new wife. As you continue reading you learn to not assume. This book is full of twists and turns you’ll never see coming. I was on the edge of my seat up until the last page. 10/10 would recommend to anyone looking for a thriller book!
2. Peaches
I have been LOVING peaches lately. They’ve been good from wherever I’ve bought them (farm stand, grocery story, etc.). Peaches have been part of almost every one of my meals lately!
3. Charity Miles app
Awhile back I had heard about the Charity Miles app but I just recently started using it thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Carlee McDot, who is started using it as part of her 34 days of kindness leading up to her birthday. I’ll explain more about that in a later post, for now let’s talk about this wonderful creation! It’s super simple. Download the app, choose your charity, and then track your runs using the app. After you run, money is donated to your charity of choice! It’s seriously the easiest thing since you’re most likely going to run anyway. I’ve used it on my last few runs but sadly forgot until part way through so I haven’t added up much mileage yet.
4. Nail Strengthener
A month or so ago I finally broke the habit of biting my nails! While out this past weekend, I stumbled across a nail strengthening polish that I figured wouldn’t hurt to try out since my nails have been pretty weak and cracking a lot. I’ve been using it all week and so far I love it! My nails feel super strong and have been easier to keep long.
5. Wearing Shorts & Long Sleeve Shirts
Somehow the weather has been pretty decent this week, more so in the evening. It is finally that time of year where I can wear shorts with a long sleeve shirt, which may be one of my favorite things to wear! Being able to dress like this always gets me super pumped for the fall!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
An Update on My Life
I have realized that my posts have been very limited for the past few weeks. Since my summer job ended back in the end of July, I have been taking advantage of my last moments of summer before I begin my new teaching job next week. Due to this, I haven't been posting much except for my weekly posts. This calls for a quick update on my life! And in what better way than through pictures? Unfortunately, summer fun has also limited me on taking tons of pictures so I'll do my best :)
These past few weeks I...
Question of the Day: What have you been up to lately?
These past few weeks I...
Caught up with one of my best friends while simultaneously soaking up some sun (+ good drinks!) |
Ran... a lot! |
Had my first Wawa Gobbler bowl of the year and am now (un)patiently awaiting fall. |
Went to Knoebel's with my family where I found out I would've drowned in some of these floods! |
Worked on some wedding planning with these two cuties since we are now LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY from the big day :) |
Went to the Movie Tavern to see Crazy Rich Asians... |
...and had one of my favorite snacks: soft pretzels! |
Spent A LOT of my time with Tommy, John, and Ashley (not pictured). |
Question of the Day: What have you been up to lately?
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Marathon Training: Week 5
W5D1: Speed Intervals + Strength Training
Warm up, 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400, cool down
15 minutes of strength training
W5D3: Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
1 mile warm up, 2 miles (9:21, 9:27)
*This was supposed to be a 5 mile tempo run with a warm up and cool down but it ended up being just a 2 mile tempo run. On Monday I got a root canal, making it tough to sleep the last couple nights. I started this workout late and struggled so much that I just listened to my body, calling it a day. I planned to finish the run later in the day but decided to use this time as a chance to rest before Friday's long run.*
1.5 mile walk
W5D5: 12 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:50
Local Fine Arts Festival = lots of walking!
Flea Market trip = even more walking!
Total Weekly Mileage: 18.5 miles
I’m so glad I listened to my body Wednesday and focused on resting. After a nice soak in an epsom salt bath Wednesday night, I was good as new for my long run on Friday. A busy weekend called for little exercise but I’m just trying to squeeze in as much as I can during this last bit of summer! I will hopefully make up for the lack of strength training this week!
Warm up, 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400, cool down
15 minutes of strength training
W5D3: Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
1 mile warm up, 2 miles (9:21, 9:27)
*This was supposed to be a 5 mile tempo run with a warm up and cool down but it ended up being just a 2 mile tempo run. On Monday I got a root canal, making it tough to sleep the last couple nights. I started this workout late and struggled so much that I just listened to my body, calling it a day. I planned to finish the run later in the day but decided to use this time as a chance to rest before Friday's long run.*
1.5 mile walk
W5D5: 12 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:50
Local Fine Arts Festival = lots of walking!
Flea Market trip = even more walking!
Total Weekly Mileage: 18.5 miles
I’m so glad I listened to my body Wednesday and focused on resting. After a nice soak in an epsom salt bath Wednesday night, I was good as new for my long run on Friday. A busy weekend called for little exercise but I’m just trying to squeeze in as much as I can during this last bit of summer! I will hopefully make up for the lack of strength training this week!
Friday, August 17, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Facts About Me
Happy Friday, everyone!! This week has felt extremely long, both good and bad. My weekend was spent tent camping at Knoebels, starting my week off on an exhausted note. To top of this fatigue, I got a root canal on Monday. To be honest, I was thrilled to get the root canal because my back tooth has been beyond sensitive for over 6 months. I just wasn't thrilled about the soreness that kept me from getting a good sleep for the first few nights. That effected my running this week but I'm starting to feel better and I'm hoping today's 12 mile run goes well!
Due to a pretty dull week for me, I'm switching my Friday Five up and telling you 5 facts about me instead of 5 things I'm loving! I got this idea from one of my favorite bloggers (check her out!) who did this a week or so ago. I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me!
1. On my first trip out of the country (Riviera Maya, 2015), I got to witness baby sea turtles leaving their nest and going to sea on our last morning there. I even got to hold a few of them and help them out!
2. I didn't get my first smartphone until about 4 years ago. My grandparents even had smartphones before me!
3. My favorite place to be is in the city. I would never choose to live in one, but I love walking around busy cities, especially during the holidays.
4. If given a choice, I would eat sweets for the rest of my life! I'm only a little embarrassed to admit that a dinner of mine this summer consisted of a funnel cake. If it makes it any better, it was at a food truck festival that primarily had BBQ food which I don't like.
5. Back in 2013 (it'll be 5 years in September!) I lost over 30+ pounds and have remained the same weight since then thanks to Weight Watchers and running.
Question of the Day: What's an interesting fact about YOU?
Due to a pretty dull week for me, I'm switching my Friday Five up and telling you 5 facts about me instead of 5 things I'm loving! I got this idea from one of my favorite bloggers (check her out!) who did this a week or so ago. I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me!
They were SO tiny! |
My first smartphone was an iPhone 5C. |
Cities also have the best food ;) |
Heck, I'd do pretty much anything for donuts! |
![]() |
It may not look like too much of a difference, but boy do I feel a lot better! |
Question of the Day: What's an interesting fact about YOU?
Monday, August 13, 2018
Marathon Training: Week 4
W4D1: Speed Intervals (4:18 interval goal)
This run ended up turning into a 1.5 mile easy run after I realized how hot it was out at 6 in the morning... I also had to drive to Delaware shortly after this run so I figured shortening the mileage was fine.
1 mile walk with Tommy in his wagon
W4D3: Tempo Run (10:30 pace goal) + Cross Training
1 mile warm up, 5 miles @ MP (10:24, 10:29, 10:26, 10:28, 10:29), 1 mile cool down
1 hour yoga class
W4D5: 11 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:44
* I haven’t been too concerned about my pace on long runs because the heat has been unbearable and I’m just happy I could run that far in it. I’d prefer it to get back to my pace goal but one step at a time.*
Knoebels trip with my family! Over 8 miles of walking!
W4D7: Easy Run
I love to run when I’m on vacation just to explore a bit. I managed to run a quick mile around our campground before we headed into the park!
Total Weekly Mileage: 20.5 miles
This wasn’t my best week, but I got through it so all is good! I did my long run on a Friday since I’d be away all weekend which may be happening the next couple Fridays as well. Saturday and Sunday consisted of a ton of walking so I definitely got my workout this week. I slacked off in the strength training area because of being busy so hopefully that changes this coming week!
This run ended up turning into a 1.5 mile easy run after I realized how hot it was out at 6 in the morning... I also had to drive to Delaware shortly after this run so I figured shortening the mileage was fine.
1 mile walk with Tommy in his wagon
W4D3: Tempo Run (10:30 pace goal) + Cross Training
1 mile warm up, 5 miles @ MP (10:24, 10:29, 10:26, 10:28, 10:29), 1 mile cool down
1 hour yoga class
W4D5: 11 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:44
* I haven’t been too concerned about my pace on long runs because the heat has been unbearable and I’m just happy I could run that far in it. I’d prefer it to get back to my pace goal but one step at a time.*
Knoebels trip with my family! Over 8 miles of walking!
W4D7: Easy Run
I love to run when I’m on vacation just to explore a bit. I managed to run a quick mile around our campground before we headed into the park!
Total Weekly Mileage: 20.5 miles
This wasn’t my best week, but I got through it so all is good! I did my long run on a Friday since I’d be away all weekend which may be happening the next couple Fridays as well. Saturday and Sunday consisted of a ton of walking so I definitely got my workout this week. I slacked off in the strength training area because of being busy so hopefully that changes this coming week!
Friday, August 10, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week
Happy Friday! I'm actually kind of bummed it's already Friday because that means there is only 2 more Fridays before school starts! I am super excited to start working, though. This weekend I am going away with my family to camp at Knoebel's, an amusement park out in Pennsylvania. It should be a fun weekend as long as the heat calms down! And now onto this week's Friday Five....
1. How I Grocery Shop and Make 5 Dinners for $30 BuzzFeed Article
I stumbled upon this article earlier in the week during one of my BuzzFeed article reading binges. I was instantly hooked because 1. I love making meals for a cheap price and 2. I love new ideas on how to meal prep. This article definitely helped me out with #2 because it gave me the idea to use a rotisserie chicken for multiple meals throughout the week. Typically, I make one meal and eat it all week for my lunches. This article was a major game changer for me because now I want to get a rotisserie chicken and make DIFFERENT meals for my lunches. I sent John the article and he is totally on board. My meal prep has been kind of non-existent lately so I probably won't try this out until school starts back up.
2. Being Anti-Flip Flops
Before summer began, I told myself I wasn't going to torture myself this summer by wearing flip flops. While flip flops are super convenient to slip on and off throughout the summer, they end up making my feet hurt by the end of the day. Back in June I found the perfect sandals to wear all summer in place of flip flops. Well, I've been wearing them all summer and my feet are SO much happier! I've been able to walk long distances in them without pain AND my feet don't get hot in them like if I were to wear sneakers all day.
3. Unsweetened Iced Tea
As most of you know, I drink water all the time. Like, seriously. Earlier in the week I had a free beverage coupon from Dunkin that was about to expire. I had completely forgotten about it since I haven't been there in months (#stillcoffeefree). Typically I would get a hot vanilla chai but that was a no-no in this heat. Instead, I opted for a large unsweetened iced tea with lemon. I had forgotten how delicious iced tea was! Since getting this free beverage, I have gotten a few more using the Dunkin gift cards I had and also have been tapping into John's mom's homemade iced tea supply I usually never touch. Thank goodness she makes it so often! Oh, and don't worry, I'm still drinking all my water :)
4. Sidewalk Sales
I had been needing some new running shorts so when my local running store advertised their annual sidewalk sale, I made sure I stopped by! The first day (yes, I went twice...) I went I was overwhelmed with everything they had. It had already been going on for a few days by that point so I was shocked they still had a lot of stuff left. I didn't find any shoes that I wanted but I did walk out with a cute Run856 shirt and Under Armour shorts. When my brother found out about the sale, he asked if I'd go back with him the next day. Ummm... heck yes! He scored deals on his own Run856 shirt and sock while I got 2 more pairs of shorts. I made out like a bandit over a span of two days and now I have new running shorts to start replacing some old ones!
5. Fruit Stands
I'm not a huge fan of summer but there are a few things I do like about the season, one being fruit stands! I live near a lot of farms so you can always find a good fruit stand around me. After shopping my running store's sidewalk sale with my brother, we stumbled upon a pop-up farmer's market in the town. I got delicious peaches for a great price! Another day this week I went to the fruit stand up the street from John's house and walked away with a great variety of fruits and vegetables. Needless to say, I'm one happy girl!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
1. How I Grocery Shop and Make 5 Dinners for $30 BuzzFeed Article
I stumbled upon this article earlier in the week during one of my BuzzFeed article reading binges. I was instantly hooked because 1. I love making meals for a cheap price and 2. I love new ideas on how to meal prep. This article definitely helped me out with #2 because it gave me the idea to use a rotisserie chicken for multiple meals throughout the week. Typically, I make one meal and eat it all week for my lunches. This article was a major game changer for me because now I want to get a rotisserie chicken and make DIFFERENT meals for my lunches. I sent John the article and he is totally on board. My meal prep has been kind of non-existent lately so I probably won't try this out until school starts back up.
These sandals come in clutch when Tommy wants multiple wagon rides! |
Before summer began, I told myself I wasn't going to torture myself this summer by wearing flip flops. While flip flops are super convenient to slip on and off throughout the summer, they end up making my feet hurt by the end of the day. Back in June I found the perfect sandals to wear all summer in place of flip flops. Well, I've been wearing them all summer and my feet are SO much happier! I've been able to walk long distances in them without pain AND my feet don't get hot in them like if I were to wear sneakers all day.
3. Unsweetened Iced Tea
As most of you know, I drink water all the time. Like, seriously. Earlier in the week I had a free beverage coupon from Dunkin that was about to expire. I had completely forgotten about it since I haven't been there in months (#stillcoffeefree). Typically I would get a hot vanilla chai but that was a no-no in this heat. Instead, I opted for a large unsweetened iced tea with lemon. I had forgotten how delicious iced tea was! Since getting this free beverage, I have gotten a few more using the Dunkin gift cards I had and also have been tapping into John's mom's homemade iced tea supply I usually never touch. Thank goodness she makes it so often! Oh, and don't worry, I'm still drinking all my water :)
4. Sidewalk Sales
I had been needing some new running shorts so when my local running store advertised their annual sidewalk sale, I made sure I stopped by! The first day (yes, I went twice...) I went I was overwhelmed with everything they had. It had already been going on for a few days by that point so I was shocked they still had a lot of stuff left. I didn't find any shoes that I wanted but I did walk out with a cute Run856 shirt and Under Armour shorts. When my brother found out about the sale, he asked if I'd go back with him the next day. Ummm... heck yes! He scored deals on his own Run856 shirt and sock while I got 2 more pairs of shorts. I made out like a bandit over a span of two days and now I have new running shorts to start replacing some old ones!
5. Fruit Stands
I'm not a huge fan of summer but there are a few things I do like about the season, one being fruit stands! I live near a lot of farms so you can always find a good fruit stand around me. After shopping my running store's sidewalk sale with my brother, we stumbled upon a pop-up farmer's market in the town. I got delicious peaches for a great price! Another day this week I went to the fruit stand up the street from John's house and walked away with a great variety of fruits and vegetables. Needless to say, I'm one happy girl!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
My Least Favorite Run
Saturday I ran my least favorite run of marathon training. It's what I have named the "rock bottom run." In the beginning of each training cycle, usually within the first few weeks, I always have at least one run where I question everything from my love of running to my decision to run any long distance race. It's typically not so ideal weather, some body part of mine hurts, and I'd much rather be in bed. This past Saturday was exactly that. It was hot and incredibly humid, my ankle (which has been great lately) was sore (I blame the humidity!), and I felt as if I had gotten little to no sleep the night before. Luckily, my brother met up with me at mile 5 to run the last 5 miles with me. Having him there to talk to as a distraction from my discomfort was great! He also got me to push myself because I wanted to keep up with him like I usually do, so I pushed past the pain and yucky feeling to stay on pace with him. Also, it rained during the last few miles and that felt AMAZING!
On days like this I honestly do not want to even lace up my Brooks but somehow I muster up the strength and am so thankful afterwards that I did! You may ask how I push myself through these runs that I don't even want to do and that is exactly what I'm here to tell you today.
Back in the days of 3 miles being considered my 'long run,' I would've just skipped a run on a day like Saturday. Or stopped in the middle of the run, which I don't really get mad at myself about because at least I tried! Now, I remind myself of how far I have gotten in running and that hard runs are what make me better. It sounds simple and silly, but seriously just changing my mindset from "there is NO way I can do this" to "I did this before so I can do this again!" helps me so much. Simple reminders like seeing my race medals on my dresser or wearing an old race shirt on that run bring back the memories of how great I felt after I pushed myself.
Okay, so it's not just my positive mindset that gets me through a tough run. Looking forward to treats helps, too! My go-to fuel for any distance is gummy bears! I like to space them out throughout my run (at every mile marker usually) and then work towards getting that sweet treat that is actually fueling me through the miles. After awhile I sometimes even forget about them which makes me believe the run is not as tough anymore.
It doesn't matter what motivates you through your toughest days, it just matters that you find it in yourself to push yourself when you know you can do it. If you are actually injured or sick, definitely sit the tough days out, though! Think about the finish line, whether you look as far into the future as the race day finish line or even the finish line of your run that day. Just remember what you are working for. A quote I have always heard and loved is "keep your why close by." Remind yourself why you are doing this and why you want this. That is a helpful way to get yourself out of bed on these hot summer days, especially when you have a cool November race to think about!
I had another tough run this morning- 5 tempo miles in 92% humidity. I thought about how this is only making me stronger for later. It really kept me going! Also, I knew I had an ice-cold Nuun waiting for me at home :)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
How I feel about all this humidity... |
On days like this I honestly do not want to even lace up my Brooks but somehow I muster up the strength and am so thankful afterwards that I did! You may ask how I push myself through these runs that I don't even want to do and that is exactly what I'm here to tell you today.
Back in the days of 3 miles being considered my 'long run,' I would've just skipped a run on a day like Saturday. Or stopped in the middle of the run, which I don't really get mad at myself about because at least I tried! Now, I remind myself of how far I have gotten in running and that hard runs are what make me better. It sounds simple and silly, but seriously just changing my mindset from "there is NO way I can do this" to "I did this before so I can do this again!" helps me so much. Simple reminders like seeing my race medals on my dresser or wearing an old race shirt on that run bring back the memories of how great I felt after I pushed myself.
Okay, so it's not just my positive mindset that gets me through a tough run. Looking forward to treats helps, too! My go-to fuel for any distance is gummy bears! I like to space them out throughout my run (at every mile marker usually) and then work towards getting that sweet treat that is actually fueling me through the miles. After awhile I sometimes even forget about them which makes me believe the run is not as tough anymore.
It doesn't matter what motivates you through your toughest days, it just matters that you find it in yourself to push yourself when you know you can do it. If you are actually injured or sick, definitely sit the tough days out, though! Think about the finish line, whether you look as far into the future as the race day finish line or even the finish line of your run that day. Just remember what you are working for. A quote I have always heard and loved is "keep your why close by." Remind yourself why you are doing this and why you want this. That is a helpful way to get yourself out of bed on these hot summer days, especially when you have a cool November race to think about!
I had another tough run this morning- 5 tempo miles in 92% humidity. I thought about how this is only making me stronger for later. It really kept me going! Also, I knew I had an ice-cold Nuun waiting for me at home :)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Monday, August 6, 2018
Marathon Training: Week 3
W3D1: Speed Intervals (8:51 interval goal)
Warm up, 3x1600 (8:43, 8:49, 8:51) with 400m recovery, cool down
2 walks around the neighborhood
W3D3: Cross Training
1 hour yoga class
W3D4: Short Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
2 mile warm up, 2 miles (9:23, 9:13), 2 mile cool down
W3D5: Strength Training + Cross Training
20 minutes strength training
25 minutes cycling
W3D6: 10 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:44
*I ran 5 solo miles and then met up with my brother to run the last 5 miles. I struggled through most of these miles so I am not even worried about the pace! The humidity was rough but I enjoyed the bit of rain we got towards the end.*
Total Weekly Mileage: 20.5 miles
I really had to push myself this week with the heat and humidity but I really nailed my workouts in the beginning of the week. My long run? Not so much. But that’s a story for another day. Here’s to three weeks of marathon training DONE!
Warm up, 3x1600 (8:43, 8:49, 8:51) with 400m recovery, cool down
2 walks around the neighborhood
W3D3: Cross Training
1 hour yoga class
W3D4: Short Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
2 mile warm up, 2 miles (9:23, 9:13), 2 mile cool down
W3D5: Strength Training + Cross Training
20 minutes strength training
25 minutes cycling
W3D6: 10 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:44
*I ran 5 solo miles and then met up with my brother to run the last 5 miles. I struggled through most of these miles so I am not even worried about the pace! The humidity was rough but I enjoyed the bit of rain we got towards the end.*
Total Weekly Mileage: 20.5 miles
I really had to push myself this week with the heat and humidity but I really nailed my workouts in the beginning of the week. My long run? Not so much. But that’s a story for another day. Here’s to three weeks of marathon training DONE!
Friday, August 3, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week
Happy Happy Friday! Although I had off this whole week, I did keep myself busy and boy did that make the week go by fast! Today is my not-so-little little brother's birthday so we are doing our traditional Pop Shop dinner (the best grilled cheese place around!) as a family. I haven't been there in awhile so I am super pumped! I have random plans for the rest of the weekend but not too sure how it'll go so stay tuned! And now onto the 5 things I am loving this week...
1. Lie to Me by J.T. Ellison
If you’re looking for a good thriller then stop right now because I have found you one! I went to the library last week expecting to get another book but ended up leaving with this one without knowing anything about it. The small blurb at the top of the cover mentioned it was similar to Gone Girl so that sold me! It’s about a couple who seems perfect together until the wife goes missing and you start learning about the real people they both are. I was hooked from beginning to end as the ending was not predictable at all. Usually I’m able to figure out the ending with books like these but not this one! This may be my favorite book I’ve read this year so far.
2. Speed Workouts
Not many people probably say this but I’ve been loving my speed workouts these past three weeks of marathon training. This is my first time following a training plan with specific workouts, not distances, where I’m trying to hit specific paces. Personally, I feel like it gives me a real purpose for the run and something to focus on rather than thinking about how much my body hurts. The speed intervals are definitely more loved than the tempo runs due to the short bursts of speed. I have done my own kind of speedwork in the past but this structured plan has made it much more enjoyable!
3. Yoga
For years I have attempted to do yoga on my own with the help of some YouTube videos and Pinterest photos. Wednesday morning I finally got up the courage to not only go to one of the classes, but also place myself at the front of the room so I can really see what’s going on! I have to say I really did love it! I loved having the instructor walk us through the poses along with telling us when to inhale/exhale. I felt so relaxed the whole time (well, except when I was *attempting* any pose related to the downward dog) and left feeling super energized. I think my soreness on Thursday morning makes it clear it was quite a workout! I think I’m going to continue going the rest of the summer and possibly beyond that!
4. House Hunting
John and I are going on about month two or seriously looking for a house or townhome. Lately I had been getting a bit frustrated looking st houses while not finding “the one.” Wednesday we went and looked at a few places and it was so enjoyable. We found one we realllllly love but we need to talk with our mortgage guy about some stuff before really getting excited. I’m starting to feel like house hunting is actually starting to get somewhere and I’m feeling pretty good!
5. Wedding Registries
John and I both had off on Monday without a clue of what to do. After I went on a run and then we had a delicious pancake breakfast, John suggested we go to Bed, Bath, & Beyond to finally start our wedding registry. I was totally on board because we haven’t had much wedding stuff to do lately so this sounded great! We spent about two hours walking around picking out items and it was a blast! We only picked out some of the basic stuff as we want to do some research on all the appliances we want to register for. Now I am even more excited for our future house filled with pretty kitchen items and other cool stuff!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
1. Lie to Me by J.T. Ellison
If you’re looking for a good thriller then stop right now because I have found you one! I went to the library last week expecting to get another book but ended up leaving with this one without knowing anything about it. The small blurb at the top of the cover mentioned it was similar to Gone Girl so that sold me! It’s about a couple who seems perfect together until the wife goes missing and you start learning about the real people they both are. I was hooked from beginning to end as the ending was not predictable at all. Usually I’m able to figure out the ending with books like these but not this one! This may be my favorite book I’ve read this year so far.
2. Speed Workouts
Not many people probably say this but I’ve been loving my speed workouts these past three weeks of marathon training. This is my first time following a training plan with specific workouts, not distances, where I’m trying to hit specific paces. Personally, I feel like it gives me a real purpose for the run and something to focus on rather than thinking about how much my body hurts. The speed intervals are definitely more loved than the tempo runs due to the short bursts of speed. I have done my own kind of speedwork in the past but this structured plan has made it much more enjoyable!
3. Yoga
For years I have attempted to do yoga on my own with the help of some YouTube videos and Pinterest photos. Wednesday morning I finally got up the courage to not only go to one of the classes, but also place myself at the front of the room so I can really see what’s going on! I have to say I really did love it! I loved having the instructor walk us through the poses along with telling us when to inhale/exhale. I felt so relaxed the whole time (well, except when I was *attempting* any pose related to the downward dog) and left feeling super energized. I think my soreness on Thursday morning makes it clear it was quite a workout! I think I’m going to continue going the rest of the summer and possibly beyond that!
4. House Hunting
John and I are going on about month two or seriously looking for a house or townhome. Lately I had been getting a bit frustrated looking st houses while not finding “the one.” Wednesday we went and looked at a few places and it was so enjoyable. We found one we realllllly love but we need to talk with our mortgage guy about some stuff before really getting excited. I’m starting to feel like house hunting is actually starting to get somewhere and I’m feeling pretty good!
5. Wedding Registries
John and I both had off on Monday without a clue of what to do. After I went on a run and then we had a delicious pancake breakfast, John suggested we go to Bed, Bath, & Beyond to finally start our wedding registry. I was totally on board because we haven’t had much wedding stuff to do lately so this sounded great! We spent about two hours walking around picking out items and it was a blast! We only picked out some of the basic stuff as we want to do some research on all the appliances we want to register for. Now I am even more excited for our future house filled with pretty kitchen items and other cool stuff!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Influenster #SparkVoxBox Review
Over a year ago I was introduced to the wonder that is Influenster. If you’ve never heard of it, or have but never checked it out, then I suggest downloading the app and seeing what it’s all about (use my referral link if you'd like!). In a nutshell, you create an account, share some information about yourself, answer occasional surveys that are feeling out what goodies would be best for you, and then wait to be sent an awesome VoxBox to try and review in various ways. Each VoxBox is different and can have as little as one item or maybe even 5 like I recently received! The VoxBox typically has a name, which either reflects the individual product/brand or a generic name (i.e. Spark VoxBox) when the box contains multiple products/brands. I have received everything from make up to hair products to food items. There is no given timeline as to when you will get a VoxBox so always be on the lookout for emails from them!
Once again, Influenster absolutely killed it with this amazing VoxBox! I received the #SparkVoxbox a couple weeks ago and have been happily trying out the products since then. I originally posted my reviews on Insta, but I'm here to give a little bit more of my thoughts! I was given this box free in exchange for my honest reviews.
Live Clean Coconut Milk Lotion- As someone with eczema, I’ve tried my share of lotions over the years. I typically do not use scented lotion as the fragrance can irritate my skin but I was excited to try this one out and was not disappointed! It’s a lightweight lotion that doesn’t leave my skin feeling greasy. The coconut scent seriously reminds me of being on vacation in Mexico. I have not had an irritations from the scent. This body lotion made with eco-friendly ingredients so this was a real winner in my book! I still like to stick to my usual unscented, plain Jane lotion before bed, but this is becoming a part of my morning routine so I can start the day smelling like summer!
Swisspers Make Up Remover Wipes- Thanks to previous VoxBoxes, I’ve started wearing make up some days (mostly during the school year on days I want to look older than my students). These wipes are perfect for removing my make up at the end of the day. If you know me, then you know I like things simple and that’s exactly what these are! Most days I am just removing foundation and mascara and these wipes take them off super quick! They also leave my face feeling super soft so that's a win!
Pantene Foam Conditioner- I stopped using conditioner years ago due to the greasiness I felt in my hair after my hair dried. I was hesitant to try this out, but was thrilled when it left my hair feeling soft and light after drying! It comes out in a rich foam which I find really cool. It was strange at first applying a foam to my hair, but now I love it. Just pump some into you hand, massage it into your hair, let it soak in, then rinse! Easy-peasy! I haven't been using this as often but I do notice a difference when I do use it so that must mean it's working!
Pure Silk Spa Razor- I take the quickest showers ever unless I’m shaving my legs. I always take my time to avoid nicking myself with whatever razor I'm using that day. This razor is super smooth and allows me to shave quickly, getting me out of the shower in record time... with smooth legs! Pair this with a good shaving cream and you've just upgraded your leg shaving experience!
Country Crock with Sunflower Oil- I don’t really put butter on anything, but I tried this one out because it was made with sunflower oil. I put it on toast and it was great! It had such a nice, light flavor that I wasn’t expecting. It also spread nicely which is a must in my book when it comes to me using butter. Influenster didn't actually mail me this tub of butter. Instead, they mailed me a free coupon that I redeemed at my local grocery store. It wasn't hard to find it in the butter section as it had a new sign advertising the sunflower oil ingredient.
I seriously love Influenster and I can't promote it enough! I have been introduced to so many awesome products that I otherwise would've never gone out and purchased for myself. After receiving products from VoxBoxes, I have actually added them to my routines therefore I have started buying them in store. Influenster is really helping out these brands advertising games! If you haven't signed up, I truly suggest you do to see what kind of goodies you receive! Be sure to answer all the surveys so you receive boxes related to you. Occasionally you will get a survey that tells you at the end that this box doesn't seem like a good fit for you. It sucks but it just means they're keeping you from getting a box with items you won't want to try, making sure the reviews they receive are fair. All in all, I have been so happy with Influenster since the day I joined!
Question of the Day: Are you a part of Influenster? If so, which type of boxes have you received?
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