Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Wow, Friday got here quick! This was my first week at camp and boy was it a busy one. On top of that, I was out pretty much every evening this week, keeping me from getting anything done at home (such as writing this post haha). Tonight we are heading out the Lancaster for a yummy dinner and then tomorrow morning we'll be on our way down the shore for the weekend. Needless to say, we'll be on the go for a bit! Luckily it'll be a relaxing weekend at the beach! Now on with our typical Friday program... the 5 things I'm loving this week! I hope you enjoy the list and have a great weekend!

My most recent Voxbox!

1. Influenster
If you have never heard of Influenster you need to go here and sign up like, now! You have the chance of getting some awesome complimentary items to try out in exchange for reviews and some social media promotion. It's easy peasy! They almost always send full size items so it's totally worth it! I've gotten a ton of different items from foundation to a razor to various hair products. These are all products I'd never put out the money for without trying, and now that I've had the chance to try them for free, I would continue buying the product. Many products from my VoxBoxes (that's what they call the packages you receive) have turned into a product I use every day. Sign up and check it out at the link above!

2. Reusable Straws
I'm all about saving the environment so I hopped on the reusable straw train quickly. I have always used reusable stuff, such as water bottles, so it wasn't really something I'd ignore. A couple months back I got my first Tervis mug and I LOVE it! The only downside is that they don't come with a straw included and the Tervis brand ones are a bit pricey. I don't like stainless steel so I began my search for nice plastic ones that come with a straw brush. I finally came across the perfect straws at Walmart. They come with 4 in a pack and also a straw brush, all for under $3! They're perfect! You can get the same ones here.

3. Sprinklers
The best part of a hot summer run is coming across a beautiful sprinkler that you can run through! As the summer goes on, I will start to memorize where the sprinklers in my area are and plan my routes accordingly. I love running through a sprinkler when I feel like I can't run anymore due to heat. It gives me a major power boost!

4. Piper Wai Natural Deodorant
Race expos almost always result in a ton of free samples. Some useful, some end up in the trash or given away. At the Philadelphia Marathon expo back in November, I was given a sample of Piper Wai Natural Deodorant. I was a bit skeptical at first, but after using it for a couple months, I'm hooked! It's made with activated charcoal which keeps you from getting that icky wet feeling

Apparently I need more friends on here... haha.
5. Goodreads
Since I've been on a reading kick lately, I decided to hop back on my Goodreads account. I hadn't been on in YEARS so it was cool to see which books I had on my want to read list. I've also been adding tons of books to that list so going to the library is quick. If you have an account and want to see what I'm reading, search for Emily Christman! I'm not sure if there is a username or whatever so hopefully that works :)

Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?

Monday, June 25, 2018

Motivation Monday

This summer is going to be a bit busy but I need to always remember to take the time to go out and enjoy a run. Some days you might have to rearrange your schedule in order to fit in something enjoyable to you. Never feel bad for making time for YOU.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Summer Bucket List Items

Happy Friday, everyone! This post is coming at you a bit late because I ended up at a Summer Solstice Festival last night, which was incredibly fun, and forgot to finish this up last night. This was my first full week of summer and it was super busy, yet super awesome! It makes me excited to see what the rest of summer holds. This wonderful Friday I am sharing with you 5 things I hope to do this summer (I apologize for the lack of photos! I typed this post up days ago and just was so busy, I never went back to add photos!). They may not seem super exciting to you, but doing these things will bring me great joy :)

1. Read 10 books. 
I have been really enjoying my reading time lately and I'm hoping to get a lot more of it this summer. I've already spent some time this week just sitting by the pool, soaking in some sun, and getting sucked into great books. Maybe I'll start sharing the books I am reading on here!

2. Go on at least one road trip to somewhere new.
This doesn't necessarily have to be something crazy, but I'd really love to travel somewhere new this summer. I don't even care if it's just a new shore town in Jersey! This may have to be pushed to the end of summer, though, since starting Monday I'll be working a lot.

3. Spend more time outside.
I already am outside a lot, but I really want to get out more! I hope to read more outside, go on more walks by the river, and spend some time with my nephew in his sandbox. All while working on my tan that is already very apparent!

4. Stick to my marathon training schedule as closely as possible.
Sometimes the summer heat or even just summer plans can come in the way of my training schedule. I try my best not to alter the schedule too much, but this year my goal is to not alter it at all, if possible. To do this, I need to focus on my weekly planning (I plan my running schedule out for the week every Sunday) and be sure I'm planning my runs around the weather, my work schedule, and any other social outings. I don't foresee this being too hard but who knows!

5. Enjoy life!
Okay so this is pretty broad but it's really something I need to do. Come September, life will be super busy for me. I need to take the time now to just stop and smell the flowers, and relax when I can!

Question of the Day: What is something you can to do this summer?

Thursday, June 21, 2018

My Summer Must-Haves

Since today is officially the first day of summer (even though it has felt like summer for awhile now),  I thought it was the perfect time to share some of my essentials for running in the heat. Marathon training for me begins in less than a month so a majority of my training is in the heat. Any gear to make summer running more bearable is a winner in my book, but here are just a few things I rely on throughout the summer.

Nathan Intensity Women's Hydration Backpack. I don't care if I'm running 1 mile or 20 miles, I will wear this backpack on ALL my summer runs. Hydration is totally my jam so something that can keep me hydrated throughout my whole run deserves an award, in my opinion. I've had this specific pack for almost a year now and so far, no complaints! I love everything about it and would recommend a hydration pack to anyone who feels as if they can't keep up with hydration while out running. I used to use a hydration belt, which I still use occasionally, and they're just as great if you can't shell out the money for a pack. I recommend doing your research and trying on different packs if possible. Everyone is different so you have to find the pack that fits your needs and body comfortably. I did tons of research before going with this one! Check it out here.

Mission Cooling Towel. John bought me this as a present last summer and it has been such a lifesaver ever since! Right before you leave for a run, soak it in water then “snap” it. The towel will instantly become cold! I have noticed that it doesn’t last too long, so it’s more ideal for shorter runs. One thing I started doing last summer for my long runs was soaking the towel and then sealing it into a ziplock. I put it in my pack and then when I really started to heat up, I’d take it out and activate it. I typically start a long run when it’s still cool so I don’t really need it that early anyway! You can check out the one I have here or explore the whole site to see the different options!

Experia socks. Okay so this are perfect for any weather but they’re amazing in the summer because they don’t make your feet hot. Even when my feet get a bit sweaty, I hardly ever get blisters with these socks! To be perfectly honest, these are just my favorite socks in general :) Explore your options here! I always go with the low cut, thin cushion multi-sport socks.

Body Glide. If you've experience chafing while running, get up and go buy this product NOW! Okay, not really, but it seriously is a lifesaver. Body Glide has a couple different products which are all great. I've used Body Glide many times, even sometimes for something non-running related (heels can really rub the back of your heel sometimes...). I find it super helpful in the summer because I love to run through sprinklers but then wet shorts can sometimes lead to serious discomfort on a long run. Almost every running store sells this or you can find it online!

Shout out to the Hot Chocolate Race Series that gave these moisture wicking, super cute and comfortable hats out at their race!
A hat and sunglasses. Sounds simple, but I have to give these two items the credit they deserve. I would never be able to make it through a hot, sunny run without a nice hat and sunglasses protecting me. The best part is that these are probably the cheapest running related items I own. I usually get sunglasses free at events and expos (who cares if they advertise a brand you've never even heard of?! They're FREE!), and my hats are either free from races are super cheap from Walmart. No one ever said you had to go broke trying to keep yourself cool :)

I would definitely wear something else reflective along with my shoes and bright shirt but it's a start!
Anything reflective. With summer comes heat... and with heat comes the need for early morning or late night runs. In this case, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE keep yourself safe and wear anything reflective that you can! You can find almost anything reflective to wear from bracelets to vests to most running clothing. I know you may feel like a flashing road sign but that is GOOD! You want people to see you, especially someone who may be up early and a bit sleepy while they drive. Headlamps are even a great choice! Choose something that best fits your needs :)

Margarita Bloks. These are perfect for summer for two reasons. 1. Margaritas and summer go together like peanut butter and jelly. 2. These have 3x the sodium of typical Bloks which is super necessary for the summer. When you run in the heat, you obviously sweat. You should be replenishing the sodium lost and these are perfect for that! I personally love the taste because I'm a margarita type of gal, but if you aren't, CLIF brand does have other flavors that have extra sodium (some even have caffeine if you like that kinda stuff!). I'm a fan of most of their flavors so check them out here if you're interested!

Question of the Day: What is some of your summer running must-haves?

Monday, June 18, 2018

Motivation Monday

This quote is so relatable to my life when it comes to almost anything, especially running and my job search. I’ve wanted to throw in the towel in so many different situations lately but I’m not letting myself. Instead, I’m holding my head up high and continuing to work for what I want.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Happy Happy Friday! Each week has just been getting busier and busier, and I'm not really sure why. Today marks the end of school so subbing is done for me! I have this next week off and then back to work for me. I'm spending the next month or so working as an Assistant Director at my town's recreation program. I'll be teaching arts and crafts which is totally my jam AND my idea of a fun summer! Now onto what you're really here for... my Friday Five! I haven't done things I'm loving in a couple weeks so my list was beginning to grow. You may think all I've been doing is shopping lately because most of my items are things I've bought (or won!) but it's been over a span of a couple weeks... maybe :)

I’ve been loving using my lunch to relax and read, rather than get lost in my phone!
1. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
And honestly, reading in general. I've been trying my hardest to swap screen time with reading so I stop getting sucked into my phone for hours on end. It's been awhile since I've let myself get lost in a good book and Sharp Objects was the book I finally let myself do that. I loved Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn so I knew this had to be good. It had the typical creepy-ish story line with twists and turns that keeps me reading. I'm definitely a fan of these types of books.

2. My New Sandals
I promised myself that this summer I would not torture my feet by wearing flimsy flip-flops. I spend a lot of my summer out and about so I knew I wanted something that I could walk a lot in. After little convincing, I got my little brother to join me at our local outlets to search for the perfect sandals. It wasn't long before I came across these beauties in Famous Footwear. I knew right after I slipped them on that they were exactly what I was looking for! They hold my feet in, have good support, and are super adorable. Oh! And I can walk in these for a long time without them hurting my feet. You can't beat that, right?!

3. Brooks UpRise Crossback Sports Bra
Once it started getting super hot around these parts, I decided that running in a sports bra was probably a good idea (spoiler: I was right!). Since I'm running around areas where people will most likely see me (I'm not a huge fan of people watching me run unless it's a race), I figured I should get some nicer sports bras. I was lucky enough to find a listing on Poshmark for two brand-spanking-new Brooks bras for $30, including shipping! I hopped on that deal right away and was not disappointed when they came in the mail a few days later. Both are the same pattern pictured above, which is no longer sold on the Brooks website, but they do have a lot of other cute patterns! It fits nicely and has a good amount of padding, even though I really don't need that much. I have worn them on a lot of my runs lately and no complaints so far! If you're interested, check this style out here.

I also managed to snag a cute 26.2 headband!

4. Lululemon Shorts
Last week, I attended a Global Running Day event at my local running store. As part of the event, they held a raffle where they raffled off TONS of race entries and running gear. I was lucky enough to snag myself a pair of Lululemon shorts in the Hotty Hot Short II style (I just think the name is hilarious!). They were just handed to my at random so I was thrilled that they were actually my size. I've worn them for a couple runs already and I am SOLD! They are the perfect length for me, have a built in liner which I prefer, and they have a continuous drawstring so it won't come out. The retail price is a bit high for me but if I was willing to put out the money, these would be my shorts of choice! If you're interested in checking them out, click here :)

5. Oregon Chai Sugar Free Chai Tea Latte
As most of you know, I “quit” coffee almost 2 months ago and haven’t looked back since.  I came across this chai tea mix a couple weeks ago at Target and have been hooked since! It’s the perfect coffee replacement in the morning when I feel like I need something other than water. You just mix equal parts of the chai liquid with equal parts milk (it tastes AMAZING in vanilla soy milk), mix it up, and TA-DA! You have a great drink! I’ve been drinking it cold lately but I’m sure eventually I’d heat it up to make it a warm drink. If you’re a chai tea fan then you have to try this out! It’s definitely a cheaper and healthier alternative to a coffee shop chai tea latte.

Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?

Monday, June 11, 2018

Motivation Monday

A little over 5 years ago my running journey began. When I first started, the idea of even running a mile seemed impossible let alone running a 5k. Now it’s 5 years later and I’m close to starting training for my third marathon! The last week or so has been crazing, and I haven’t ran nearly as much as I’d hope, but I know that my body is capable of running a lot so I’m not too worried. Here’s to hoping this is a good week for me and I get a lot of mileage in because I know I need it!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Reasons I Love Running

TGIF! Once again, my week felt super long for absolutely no reason. Or maybe it’s the fact that I stressed about the two interviews I have today all week? Either way, it’s finally Friday and also finally time to face my fear of interviews. I’ve been out of school for a year now and I really need something full-time. Also, I’m really interested in both of these districts so I don’t want to mess them up! Anywho, onto the reason you’re actually on my blog: my Friday Five. Since this past Wednesday was Global Running Day and this month (or maybe it’s May?) marks 5 years since I started running, I decided to give you just 5 of the reasons I love running (I could honestly think of hundreds of reasons)!

1. Running gives me time to think. Sometimes it takes a couple miles pounding the pavement to relax and really think about things.

2. I feel so strong during and after a run that I feel I am capable of doing anything. There’s nothing like a nice 20-miler to make you feel like you could go run another 6.2 miles.

I love the people I’ve met through Insta and blogging!

3. The running community has introduced me to so many new, awesome people both in person and online. You wouldn’t believe how amazing and motivational the running community is!

Also who could pass up awesome (and sometimes embarrassing race photos?!

4. Races are overall awesome because they make me feel great, they’re super fun, plus free swag! You can NEVER have enough race shirts and free samples of random vitamins from the expo.

Wanna hear about the time I ran into he hilliest half marathon in the snow... in April?!

5. I always have something to talk about in a conversation if we run out of topics. Because who doesn’t want to hear about my latest long run or the places I’ve discovered can chafe?

Question of the Day: What do you love about running or any hobby you enjoy?

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Global Running Day Deals

Happy Global Running Day! This is seriously one of my favorite holidays (besides Christmas and my birthday) for a multitude of reasons. One being that I get to celebrate with a couple hundred of my closest running friends at my local running store's annual GRD group run. If you have a local running store or running group, see if they have a group run going on today! Another reason I love this day is the crazy good deals some running brands/company's have to offer. It’s a great day to stock up on some new gear or sign up for a few races. Here’s a list of some of the deals I’ve found that interest me so I hope they interest you!


Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series
Starting at 12 AM PT, the RNR Marathkn Series is offering discounts on 2018 and select 2019 races. These will be the best prices of the year! If you’re thinking about running a RNR race then now is the chance to hop on one of these great prices. I usually sign up for the Philadelphia Half on GRD each year but this year I’ll be opting out to focus on the Philly Marathon and really save some money. Otherwise I would be taking advantage of these low prices for such an AMAZING race series!


Momentum Jewelry
My favorite running jewelry site is offering a For The Love of The Run Sale on GDR! It’s been going on for a bit now but I just really looked into it. Running-themed saying Motivate Wraps and Foot Notes are discounted to super great prices! Motivate Wrap are $15 and Foot Notes are $8 (Due Foot Notes are $12). It may be time for me to snatch up the Worry Less, Run More wrap I’ve been eyeing up :)


Oiselle is celebrating Global {ROGA} Day by offering 25% off the ROGA Family! I own one pair of  Rogas (I’m pretty sure the Mac Roga Shorts) and I love them! I’ve been dying to try the Long Roga shorts so now may be the perfect time (my wallet is starting to cry...). Use code GRD25 at checkout to take advantage of this deal!


Brooks Running
This isn’t technically for GRD (or at least the website isn’t advertising it as a GRD discount), but the Brooks Ghost 10 are currently on sale for $99! For the best running shoes in my opinion, that’s a steal! I’ve been running in Ghosts since I first starting running seriously and the 10s are by far the best version I’ve had.


Boom Nutrition
I first tried Boom gels back in 2015 when I was training for my first marathon. I did some research to find the sponsored gel of the race, knowing that it would be provided on the course day of, so I wanted to train with it. It’s become one of my favorite gels ever since (sorry, but nothing beats my Campfire S’mores GU!). They’re offering s pretty awesome deal for GRD. The first deal is the Marathon Deal. If you buy 2 or more boxes of CarbBoom! Energy Gels, use the coupon code NRUN26 to get 26.2% off. If you’re buying less than 2 boxes of CarbBoom! Energy Gels, use coupon code NRUN13 to get 13.1% off.

This is all I've been able to find prior to Global Running Day. I know a lot of brands and company's will probably announce special deals or discounts tomorrow so I will try to post those on my Insta stories! If I get a chance, I will update this post (which I will also announce in my Insta stories). I will probably only do so if the deal is running for longer than just one day. Feel free to share any deals you're aware of in the comments :)

Question of the Day: What are you doing for Global Running Day?

Monday, June 4, 2018

Motivation Monday

The heat has been REAL lately, causing me to believe I won’t be able to get back to the pace I was at during the winter. I just have to think back to how strong I was last summer and remember that I can do that again... and probably be faster! Eventually my body will adjust to this humidity that seems to be here to stay.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Weekly Workout Recap: 5/28-6/3

Monday, May 28- 3 mile run

Tuesday, May 29- REST DAY

Wednesday, May 30- Super long walk with my sister and nephew

Thursday, May 31- 3 mile run

Friday, June 1- 1.5 miles (I got up early in hopes to avoid the heat & humidity but I was WRONG!)

Saturday, June 2- REST DAY!

Sunday, June 3- 6 mile run with my brother + 45 minutes strength training

Total Weekly Mileage: 13.5 miles
The heat & humidity was REAL this week!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Dexter Pictures

Happy Friday AND Happy National Donut Day! This was the longest shortest week of my life and I'm not even sure why. I didn't have a chance to put together a super good Friday Five, so please enjoy these 5 photos of my adorable kitty, Dexter! John and I adopted Dexter about a year and a half ago. He's such a playful cat! Sometimes he reminds us of a dog. He's so fun! I hope you enjoy seeing his face as much as I do!

He loves snuggling with my heated blanket!

He was seriously slipping off the ottoman but was still sleeping...

"Excuse me... my food bowl is only 7/8's full..."

Sometimes he'll let me tuck him in bed with us :)

Dexter: part cat, part dog, part human.