Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Reasons I Love Running

TGIF! Once again, my week felt super long for absolutely no reason. Or maybe it’s the fact that I stressed about the two interviews I have today all week? Either way, it’s finally Friday and also finally time to face my fear of interviews. I’ve been out of school for a year now and I really need something full-time. Also, I’m really interested in both of these districts so I don’t want to mess them up! Anywho, onto the reason you’re actually on my blog: my Friday Five. Since this past Wednesday was Global Running Day and this month (or maybe it’s May?) marks 5 years since I started running, I decided to give you just 5 of the reasons I love running (I could honestly think of hundreds of reasons)!

1. Running gives me time to think. Sometimes it takes a couple miles pounding the pavement to relax and really think about things.

2. I feel so strong during and after a run that I feel I am capable of doing anything. There’s nothing like a nice 20-miler to make you feel like you could go run another 6.2 miles.

I love the people I’ve met through Insta and blogging!

3. The running community has introduced me to so many new, awesome people both in person and online. You wouldn’t believe how amazing and motivational the running community is!

Also who could pass up awesome (and sometimes embarrassing race photos?!

4. Races are overall awesome because they make me feel great, they’re super fun, plus free swag! You can NEVER have enough race shirts and free samples of random vitamins from the expo.

Wanna hear about the time I ran into he hilliest half marathon in the snow... in April?!

5. I always have something to talk about in a conversation if we run out of topics. Because who doesn’t want to hear about my latest long run or the places I’ve discovered can chafe?

Question of the Day: What do you love about running or any hobby you enjoy?


  1. Good luck with your interviews Emily!! One thing I love about running is that even if a workout looks daunting I know that I can do hard things.

    1. Thank you! I love your reason! It's so true and it feels great to know what we're capable of! I hope you have a great weekend, Maureen!
