Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How to Annoy a Runner Part 1

Odds are, the moment someone finds out you're a runner, they're going to make some sort of comment or ask a question that makes it very obvious that they have little knowledge when it comes to running. Or they just truly think they're being funny. As much as it can be annoying, the comments/questions can become funny after you've heard them many times. Today I am sharing with you some things that have personally been said to me that I have found both annoying and funny at the same time. While compiling this list, I realized I had a lot of things to add so I decided to split this into a two part post to spread out the funny. Part two of this post will be coming soon!

How long is the marathon you're running? A marathon is, and will always be, 26.2 miles. 

I can't run because *insert excuse here*. You do not need to justify to me why you don't run. I'm not judging you if you choose not to run. Also, most times the excuses are pretty lame.

I can't even run to the mailbox! I honestly bet you could run farther than that. Don't underestimate yourself!

Did you win? I wish, but the odds of me winning a race with over 10,000 participants when I run slower than a snail are very low. Instead, I won a cool medal, post race snacks, and the satisfaction that I did it!

I only run if something/someone is chasing me! *insert fake laugh here*

Running is bad for your knees. I only want to hear this from an actual doctor. 

Oh, you run marathons? So you've run Boston? First of all, that is not the only marathon. Second of all, you'd probably know if I did.

When are you running the Boston Marathon? Probably never, tbh.

Question of the Day: Have you heard any of these before? Are there any things people have said to you or asked you related to running that was annoying?


  1. I love how long is the marathon haha. I've heard some of these, especially after Philly when I was walking funny since I was sore. People at work were shocked and I heard so many of these.

    1. John actually gave me the idea for this post after we were laughing about all the comments I got at Thanksgiving from his relatives. This was the third Thanksgiving that was post-marathon for me yet I still heard a lot of these again lol. I think they're funny but sometimes I don't know how to respond without just being like ...what...?! haha

    2. Tell John it was a great idea! One time I ran during my lunch break and people were just shocked by the whole concept of running. I was like uh it's exercise? and I ate after while working haha. Some people just don't get it!

    3. I will! And they really don't! Some days I change into running clothes at work before I leave and people are like "are you really going to run?". It's even better when I do it on a Friday because they don't understand why I would do anything like that on a Friday of all days haha

  2. LOL!!! Girl, I am actually cracking up. This is pure GOLD.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading this! I was laughing the whole time I was putting it together!
