Monday, February 11, 2019

My Week in Pictures IX

How is it already Monday? I felt like last week went by so quickly but I had hoped the weekend would slow down. Sadly that seemed to fly by as well so here we are! Today I’m sharing my week in pictures with you. I hope everyone has a good Monday!

On Monday we went up to Pennsylvania for my aunt's burial. There was a beautiful memorial beforehand and then we all went to lunch afterwards. It was nice to catch up with some of my aunts and uncles (fun fact: my dad is one of eight siblings!). A vanilla chai was much needed for the drive home after such a long day.

The weather beautiful on Tuesday! Although my right foot was hurting, I still pushed myself through 4 miles. I was amazed that I was able to wear shorts and a tank top.

Nuun Immunity and Vitamins were essential for me this week as I felt like I was getting sick all week. Knock on wood, I never got any worse so it clearly helped!

Spontaneous pizza in the faculty lounge on Wednesday made for a very happy Emily on my prep!

Thursday night my sister, mom, and I went to our library for a free painting night. We learned how to paint leaves (pictured below) and flowers. It was so fun!

Before grocery shopping with my mom on Friday, I ran a quick 3 miles in shorts again!

John and I decided to use our gift card for the month on Friday night. This month's gift card was for Red Robin. We invited my brother to go with us and then he ended up coming back to our house afterwards to hang out.

We had dinner and hung out at my sister's house on Saturday night. I got some quality time with Tommy :)

I saw the cutest sign while out on my run on Sunday. I just thought the dog was adorable!

My first double digit run since the marathon!

I finally made some homemade granola bars. I had a nibble of one already and they are super tasty!

John had a free burrito coupon for our favorite burrito place, Pancheros, so of course we had to go for a nice dinner to end our weekend.

Question of the Day: Did you do anything exciting over the weekend?


  1. Pancheros is delicious! There is one at Michigan State and I went with my older brother while visiting. So tasty. Getting to run in shorts last week was amazing and if it wasn't raining this week we probably could again

    1. Ahh I've never met anyone else who has been to/heard of Pancheros! Funny enough, people around here don't really know about it even though it's super close by. I guess they just prefer Chipotle? Crazy!

      I really enjoyed the little time we had to run in shorts! We got snow today (yay 2 hour delay!) so I guess it'll be a colder week around here.

    2. I think part of it is people are used to what they know so they stick with Chipotle.

      Lucky you with the delay!

  2. I agree- these weeks are flyin’!

    I bet Monday was tough  Sending big hugs. A vanilla chai sounds like the perfect comfort beverage!

    Yay for spontaneous pizza- woot woot! A free painting night sounds just wonderful too.

    I still haven’t done a double digit run since my marathon- but this is motivating me- I think maybe this weekend it is time!

    Thanks for sharing, Em!

    1. Can you believe February is already pretty much half way over?! Craziness! Vanilla chais have become my go-to comfort drinks over the past couple years. They're just so yummy and cozy!

      It took me longer than I wanted before I got in a double digit run due to the holidays and the such but it felt amazing to get one in! It just makes me feel so good about myself and where my running is going, you know?! Do you have any races coming up?
