Monday, April 6, 2020

Self-Care Sunday Ideas

Now that I'm no longer marathon training, my Monday's seem pretty empty without posting my training log from the previous week. I considered going back to posting my week in pictures but let's be honest, nothing exciting it going on in my life at the moment, haha. While I think about a new Monday post, I thought I'd share a post I've been thinking about for awhile now.

Back before COVID-19 and the need to quarantine, I used to dedicate a small part of my Sunday for some self-care. Now more then ever, I feel the need to perform some sort of self-care on a daily basis to keep myself sane. Today I am sharing a few of the things I choose to do to take care of myself. I'd love to hear what you love to do for self-care!

Face Masks
I love doing a face mask because they are easy and relatively cheap! You can find face makes almost anywhere but I find a lot my favorite ones at Dollar Tree. They tend to have name brand face masks and for only a dollar is a steal! I like to put my face mask on as soon as I get out of the shower and then let it sit while I take my time putting on lotion. For me, that is a relaxing time but you can choose anytime for yourself!

Take a Bath
If you have a tub suitable for a relaxing bath, then take advantage of it! This is another easy and cheap option. Your bath can be as basic (hot water, some bubbles, etc.) or as extravagant (Epsom salts, bath bombs, music, candles, etc.) as you want it, as long as it is relaxing for you. I personally love to use Epsom salts and Bath & Body Works stress relief bubble bath to relax my body after a long week of work and running/working out.

Bake or Cook Something
I find both the act of baking or cooking and enjoying what I made as relaxing. I love to find a fun looking recipe online (preferably a comfort food), take the time to make it, and then share the food with my husband. Even popping some ready-to-bake cookie dough in the oven can be some great self-care!

Curl up with a Good Book
Something about curling up on my couch with a cozy blanket while reading a book is so relaxing to me! A library card is free and opens you up to endless options. Obviously most, if not all, libraries are closed right now, but a lot of libraries offer access to e-books which can be downloaded to e-readers and phones. Whatever your favorite genre of books may be, pick one up and get lost in it!

Do a Workout of Your Choice
For me, a run relaxes me and clears my mind. For others, a fast-paced HIIT workout or yoga might be your idea of self-care. If it relaxes you, do it! If you are trying to get into working out, there are plenty of options for in-home workouts! Some suggestions I have are any Blogilates videos, the Down Dog app, and the 7 Minute Workout app.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite form of self-care?


  1. I did a face mask yesterday morning while I showered! It's nice to be able to do that in the morning.

    I love curling up with a book to read but right now I'm taking advantage of any sunny days we have to walk Bailey. Why were the first couple weeks so gloomy and rainy? Isn't being quarantined enough without gross weather?!

    1. I totally agree that those first few weeks were so dreary! I definitely took advantage of the weather this weekend and got outside as much as I could. We live on a golf course so we've been enjoying walking around that now that it's closed.

    2. That would be so nice to be able to walk around the golf course without worrying of being hit by a stray ball!
