Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday & the end of week 3 of quarantine! Somehow this week flew by for me even though it was probably my least productive week so far. The sun made an appearance the last few days which definitely perked me up. As you could probably guess, we don't have any real plans on the agenda this weekend. Tonight we are ordering pizza from our favorite local pizza place (I may have been thinking about it since we made that decision on Sunday..), I'll probably go on a long run at some point, and then we'll probably find some little odds and ends to do around the house.

Here are a few things I have been loving lately! I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend :)

Green Tea Aloe Mint Scented Lotion
This was a Christmas gift from my friend, Rachel, that I have been loving for awhile now! The scent is nice and light while the consistency of the lotion isn't greasy. I've kept it on my desk these past 2 weeks of working from home and love putting it on throughout the day for both the moisturizing aspect and scent. The smell reminds me of our honeymoon for some reason so it's a nice little reminder each time I use it! I believe she bought it at Target so I'm unsure if they still sell it, but if I ever find it, I'm stocking up!

Blueberry Banana Baked Oatmeal
Last week I had a few bananas that were ripening too quickly and wanted to switch up my breakfast. After some searching, I came across this baked oatmeal recipe. Once I saw I had all the ingredients for it (besides the blueberries but I wasn't too upset about that), I mixed them all up and popped this wonderful creation in the oven. I ate a piece fresh out of the oven with some brown sugar, a drizzle of milk, and some raisins. It was delicious! Once the rest cooled, I cut it up, put it in a container, and have been enjoying a piece each day since!

Rachel Hollis, the author of Girl, Wash Your Face, created the #Next90Challenge as a way for us all to commit to living intentionally despite what is happening in the world outside of our control right now. It's a 100% free 14 week challenge that will give you some accountability during these stressful times. Each week you will receive an email with the theme for the week along with the resources. I just completed Week 1, which focuses on perspective, and so far I'm hooked! The website is linked above so check it out if you're interested (or want a much better explanation than I can give 🤣).

Question of the Day: What is something you’ve been loving this week?


  1. Aloe in your lotion is probably so soothing right now! I swear, I somehow go to the bathroom more now that I'm working from home so I feel like I'm washing my hands way more. Maybe it's because filling up my water bottle is like 5 steps in our apartment compared to maybe 75 at work or I'm just bored and drinking water lol.

    One thing I've been loving this week is a super simple arugula salad. It's basically kitchen staples so super simple to throw together and so refreshing since there's lemon juice on it. Highly recommend!

    1. I am totally taking advantage of being able to go to the bathroom whenever I want (#teacherproblems lol) and my hands are drying out like crazy! I am drinking a lot more water too with the ease of filling up my cup at home.

      I already added arugula to my shopping list! I needed a good, healthy lunch option now that I just sit at home and think about food all day, haha.

    2. Honestly at work sometimes I hold off on filling up my water bottle because it seems like I just did and I'll typically fill up and use the restroom so I don't want my coworkers thinking I'm too nuts haha

      I feel like I'm either absolutely starving or have zero appetite. There is no in between right now hah so I'm glad I'm not the only one who has days where they just think about food.

      I bet you could add chicken or shrimp to this salad to give it more of a meal feel! Well maybe not shrimp, I don't eat it but I feel like that's something people add to salads since it's easy to cook haha.

    3. I have a co-teacher so I technically can leave the room but I'm in the same boat as you where I don't want to her to think all I do is leave the room to get water haha.

      Some days I wake up and want to eat right away and then other days I hold off eating breakfast for awhile. I have absolutely no chill lol.

      Shrimp would probably be nice since it would be a light salad! I like shrimp on a caesar salad so I'm sure it'd be good.
