Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday Favorites

We are officially ending week 10 in quarantine and I honestly can't believe it has been that long! My sister and I keep talking about how crazy it is that back during that first week of schools being shut down we really thought it was only going to be a two-week thing. This all feels normal now that I can't imagine how life will feel once we start getting back to "real normal," if that is even a thing anymore. Anyway, I'll stop the quarantine talk and get back to why we are here- my Friday Favorites! With life being a bit bland, my more exciting blog posts are non-existent (but only for a bit!!) so my Friday post is something I look forward to typing up each week. I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

Bowl & Basket Tortilla Chips
We eat tortilla chips like it's nothing in this household. We LOVE them! We're talking buy-four-bags-at-a-time and eat-a-bag-in-one-sitting love (or maybe it's a problem?). If you weren't aware, Tostitos brand chips are a bit pricey. I got into the habit of buying the Aldi brand ones since they were under a dollar a bag, but I've been avoiding that store lately since I was stressed shopping their even before covid. While at ShopRite recently, I noticed they had a store brand of tortilla chips so I grabbed them figuring it was worth a shot. I'm happy to report that we love them and they are our new go-to tortilla chips. They are are the perfect combination of salty and crunchy. Our wallets are pretty happy we found a cheap option, too!

Oh gosh, I'm embarrassed to even admit this but I fell down the TikTok rabbit hole this week. It started with my friend sending me a TikTok video through text, then I downloaded the app, and next thing you know it's an hour later and I was still scrolling through the "for you" videos. I haven't actually created an account, and I don't really plan to, but I could spend hours watching videos on there! They are just so funny and often relatable depending on the topic.

Taylor Swift City of Lover Concert
Earlier this week, Taylor Swift released a recording of her Paris show which you can now view on Hulu or Disney+! I played it during my lunchtime on Wednesday and I absolutely loved it! It's only about a 40 minute long show where she plays some of her songs from her newest album, Lover. Since a live concert won't be happening anytime soon, this was just as good :)

Question of the Day: What is something you've been loving this week?


  1. I get sucked into TikToks on Instagram so I will not be downloaded the app anytime soon haha.

    Chips are so expensive and I really wish I could make all the chips at home haha. Another ShopRite brand that I used to buy was like $2 a bag. The brand was Sanitas I believe? It was the blue bag with some pink lettering if I remember correctly.

    One thing I've been loving is a new app I downloaded! It's almost like a mix between Scrabble and a crossword puzzle so it uses my brain instead of being mindless.

    1. Don't do it! Haha I should've known this would be bad...

      With the way we go through them, making them at home would save so much money! I'll have to check out that brand, too!

      Oooh I definitely want to try out that word app! I like playing a game like that during the day since it seems more productive.

  2. I don't need another time sucker while stuck at home lol.

    Tortilla chips are dangerous since chips and salsa are one of my favorite snacks so I just eat way too many haha.

    Exactly why I like the app!
