Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday & last day of July! Where has the time gone?! It's crazy to think that my summer break is quickly coming to an end. This summer has definitely been very different compared to other years but I am really enjoying it. There isn't much on our agenda this weekend besides an ice cream party at my sister's on Sunday. We have been trying to do little family get together's on a weekly basis to make up for the past few months. Maybe we'll even squeeze in some pool time at John's parents at some point ;) Now for what you came here for, my Friday Favorites! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

I'm not even sure how I stumbled across this on Instagram, but I'm so glad I did! As part of the Run, Selfie, Repeat podcast, the Badass Lady Gang hosts weekly virtual runs. Each week is a different workout in which you can listen to through the podcast. Kelly guides you through the workout so all you need to do is listen and run. Not much thinking is involved so that is right up my alley! I did the workout pictured above yesterday and oh man, was it a spicy one! If you're looking for a way to switch up your running routine, I highly suggest trying one of the many guided runs that they have to offer!

Sweet Magnolias
After many suggestions, I finally caved and watched Sweet Magnolias. I must've really loved it because I binged it over the course of just a few days! The Netflix series follows the lives of 3 women in a small South Carolina time who have been friends since childhood. They are by each other's sides through everything when it comes to romance, family, and their careers. It's such a sweet show that is a nice break from all the really intense shows out there! I happened to finish it as soon as they announced there will be a season two so that is exciting!

I had a couple of really ripe bananas sitting in my fruit bowl the other day so I decided to whip up some banana bread muffins! I did a little google search and came across this healthy-ish recipe that required little sugar. They were super quick to whip up and taste amazing! I made some with chocolate chips and while the plain ones were good, the chocolate chip muffins really knocked it out of the park! This may be my new go-to banana muffin recipes now!

Question of the Day: What is something you've been loving lately?


  1. Next time I have ripe bananas I'll need to try that recipe out! I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying Sweet Magnolias! It's a cute show. Not sure if you saw, but it's renewed for a second season. Dying to see how that plays out after the final episode...

    This week I've been loving mini Kind bars. Have fun at your ice cream party!

    1. It's such a good recipe! I'm so glad Sweet Magnolias was renewed for a 2nd season! That ending to season 1 was crazy. I have so many thoughts and questions haha.

      Mini bars are always so nice to keep on hand! Thank you :)
