Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday AND National Donut Day! I'm getting this out a little later than usual today because I honestly forgot it was Friday... sad, right? I just have lost all track of my days but now that I know it's really Friday, YAY! We don't have much going on this weekend besides hopefully finishing up a little backyard project we (read: mostly John and his dad) have been working on. I can't wait to share about it!Today I'm sharing a few things I've been loving lately. I've been doing a little online shopping lately so I wanted to share those things with you!

My friend has raved about Senita Athletics for awhile now so once I saw they offered shorts with POCKETS that were cheaper than I've ever seen, I had to really check them out. The high waisted Rio shorts have the perfect inseam length (3.75 inches) and don't ride up at all while I run. My phone fits in the side pocket and doesn't move around while moving. The hideaway sports bra also has a pocket on the back, as part of the racer-back. My phone fits in there and I hardly notice it while I run! Senita has completely sold me on their clothing. I'm already planning my next order ;)

For being a ROADiD ambassador, I received an Elite ID with the clasp. When I first open the package, I was a little taken aback because I had to be the one to size it to my wrist. I was nervous at first because I didn't want to ruin it, but with some help from John and the videos on their website, we figured it out quickly! It was actually super simple and allowed me to get the best fit. I love the clasp closure because it's quick to take on and off. I never thought I'd like wearing a ROADiD on my wrist but I honestly don't even notice it's there!

Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
I had to run to Target the other day for a few things and while there, I noticed the Starbucks inside had reopened. I figured since I haven't been buying coffee out due to being home most of the time, I'd treat myself! My typical go-to is a chai tea latte but I wanted to be adventurous so instead I picked something off the menu I'd never tried before: the vanilla sweet cream cold brew. I worried the coffee taste would be too strong (I like the cover it as much as possible lol) but it was a perfect blend without being overly sweet! I brought it home to drink while reading on the back patio for a little bit :)

Question of the Day: What is something you've been loving this week?


  1. I feel like I should replace some of my running shorts but I hate trying new things incase it doesn't work. But you seem to have sold me on those Senita shorts so I'll have to look into them.

    Not related to your post but how do you like Where the Crawdads Sing?? I'm still on the waiting list to download the ebook from my library.

    One thing I've been loving this week is the book Carnegie's Maid! I started it Wednesday and finished it last night so it was good haha

    1. I was super nervous about ordering the shorts because my friend had me worried they'd be too tight but they fit literally perfectly! They usually have some good sale items (I got both of these things for $31 total) so it's worth a try!

      So far I like it! Everyone has been telling me how great it is so when my mother in law said she had it for me to borrow I was excited. Based on the synopsis on the back, I wasn't sure I'd be able to get into it but I'm only a few chapters in and already like it! People are telling me they binge read this book so maybe I'll be done it this weekend haha.

    2. That's so cheap for a sports bra and pair of shorts! I'll need to look for a sale when I order.

      Binge read seems to be the name of the game with the book. Jealous your mil had a copy for you to borrow! I'm pretty sure I have months still on the wait list lol

    3. She was over last week and started to tell me how she just finished the BEST book ever and blah blah blah. I totally knew she was going to say that book and was happy when she did so I could borrow it. Binge reading will probably be my whole summer lol. My sister and I have been trading books back and forth and I am just excited to read them all!
