Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Dexter Pictures

Happy Friday AND Happy National Donut Day! This was the longest shortest week of my life and I'm not even sure why. I didn't have a chance to put together a super good Friday Five, so please enjoy these 5 photos of my adorable kitty, Dexter! John and I adopted Dexter about a year and a half ago. He's such a playful cat! Sometimes he reminds us of a dog. He's so fun! I hope you enjoy seeing his face as much as I do!

He loves snuggling with my heated blanket!

He was seriously slipping off the ottoman but was still sleeping...

"Excuse me... my food bowl is only 7/8's full..."

Sometimes he'll let me tuck him in bed with us :)

Dexter: part cat, part dog, part human.


  1. I with Dexter and love to cuddle with a heated blanket too! What cute pictures Emily.

    1. Thanks Maureen :) The heated blanket was the best thing ever created!
