Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Summer Bucket List Items

Happy Friday, everyone! This post is coming at you a bit late because I ended up at a Summer Solstice Festival last night, which was incredibly fun, and forgot to finish this up last night. This was my first full week of summer and it was super busy, yet super awesome! It makes me excited to see what the rest of summer holds. This wonderful Friday I am sharing with you 5 things I hope to do this summer (I apologize for the lack of photos! I typed this post up days ago and just was so busy, I never went back to add photos!). They may not seem super exciting to you, but doing these things will bring me great joy :)

1. Read 10 books. 
I have been really enjoying my reading time lately and I'm hoping to get a lot more of it this summer. I've already spent some time this week just sitting by the pool, soaking in some sun, and getting sucked into great books. Maybe I'll start sharing the books I am reading on here!

2. Go on at least one road trip to somewhere new.
This doesn't necessarily have to be something crazy, but I'd really love to travel somewhere new this summer. I don't even care if it's just a new shore town in Jersey! This may have to be pushed to the end of summer, though, since starting Monday I'll be working a lot.

3. Spend more time outside.
I already am outside a lot, but I really want to get out more! I hope to read more outside, go on more walks by the river, and spend some time with my nephew in his sandbox. All while working on my tan that is already very apparent!

4. Stick to my marathon training schedule as closely as possible.
Sometimes the summer heat or even just summer plans can come in the way of my training schedule. I try my best not to alter the schedule too much, but this year my goal is to not alter it at all, if possible. To do this, I need to focus on my weekly planning (I plan my running schedule out for the week every Sunday) and be sure I'm planning my runs around the weather, my work schedule, and any other social outings. I don't foresee this being too hard but who knows!

5. Enjoy life!
Okay so this is pretty broad but it's really something I need to do. Come September, life will be super busy for me. I need to take the time now to just stop and smell the flowers, and relax when I can!

Question of the Day: What is something you can to do this summer?


  1. If you road trip somewhere in Jersey let me know! Alex and I love going to one shore town that's not that crowded and it's honestly so nice.

    One thing on my bucket list for summer is the farmers market. I know it sounds so simple but Saturdays get so busy so it gets pushed back! The first weekend I could go is after July 4th ha.

    1. I will! We typically go to North Wildwood but sometimes we go to Strathmere or Avalon because they're less crowded.

      I like that idea of going to the farmers market! You're right, though, life seems so much busier in the summer when you're trying to squeeze everything fun in!
