Friday, July 3, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Did you miss me? I'm hoping you didn't think that I was just abandoning my blog. To be honest, my lack of a strict schedule since school officially ended has really thrown me off. And then last week John and I took a 5-day trip up to the Poconos to relax and recharge. I spent this past week adjusting to my newfound freedom (I have either had marching band or worked every summer since the summer of 2007...) but now I am back and ready to blog the summer away because really what else can I do? 🤣

It's been a hot minute since I've posted a Friday Favorites so I have tons of ideas swimming around in this head of mine. I'll try not to bombard you with too many today haha.

These Views
Like I said, we spent a majority of last week in the Pocono Mountains. We spent almost every day and night at the lake fishing since there wasn't much else to do with limited options. I really enjoyed being at the lake at night because the views were absolutely stunning! I snapped a couple good shots while we sat on the dock because I was just in awe at the colors and beauty of the sky. You don't see this kind of stuff that often where I live lol.

My mom introduced these to me recently and they have quickly become my new favorite. I don't drink often because usually the drinks I enjoy are higher in calories and super sugary. These are the perfect choice because they are made me zero sugar but don't taste like it! John and I both agree they taste similar to Mike's Hard Lemonade, which is one of our favorites. I'll be sipping on these all summer long!

Yes, I still take ring pictures... ;)

Right before Father's Day I made my first trek into a Wal-Mart since before COVID. It was the only place that sold what I needed for my dad so I masked up and went super early in the morning to avoid crowds. That was a good idea because then I had the chance to wander around and find this beauty! Since getting married, I have been saying I wanted some sort of mug that either said wife, wifey, or Mrs. This mug exceeded my expectations because it is huge at 16 oz, I love the font of the word wifey, AND it was less than $5. Win! 

Not to overload this post with sugar free items, but this is another awesome find that doesn't even taste sugar free! I found these at Dollar General for $1.50 but I am sure they can be found at other stores. First I bought the orange cream flavor and was amazed at how delicious they were! The orange flavor is strong without being fake tasting, if that makes sense. I thought the chocolate would taste bland since the actual wafer part isn't chocolate but I was wrong! Just like the orange, the chocolate flavor is strong but doesn't taste fake. I may have eaten this quicker than any human should... I also bought strawberry and vanilla wafers but have yet to try those!

Question of the Day: What have you been loving lately?


  1. So glad you're back! Hope you had a great trip! The cup should say ... does this cup make me look married??

    1. It was so much fun! I’ll write it in my letter that I promise I’ll get to in the next day or two!! That would be such a cute mug!! I’ll have to look for one like it!

  2. Big mugs are the best! I love them so much and for under $5 you can't beat it.

    Not sure if you're a margarita person or not but you should look at the ranch water recipe from The Defined Dish! So good!! It's tequila, lime juice, and Topo Chico. The last ingredient is a super bubbly mineral water and apparently you have to use it in the recipe haha. I saw that Target sells it so it's not hard to find. A super refreshing recipe. I can send it to you if you want

    1. I am a sucker for big mugs lol and ones with cute designs/sayings are even better!

      I am a hugeee margarita fan and that sounds super delicious! I’m going to look up the Topo Chico and see where has it around me. Hopefully Target near me does so I can make a trip there ;)

    2. Hopefully your Target sells it. Then you have to take a trip ;)

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