Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday Favorites

Is it Friday already?! Wow, these days feel both incredibly slow and fast at the same time. This Sunday is Easter, but due to COVID-19 and social distancing, we are doing our own little Easter dinner at home. It's going to feel weird not celebrating with our families but I am just trying to be positive and think about all the fun times we will have once this is all over. At some point this weekend I am participating in a "running scavenger hunt" a local running group of mine is having. They will send us out the list of items we need to find during a run and photograph sometime today and then we have to send in those photos by Monday morning. I'm eager to get the list so I can plan my route accordingly :) I'm really looking forward to it and maybe I'll make a post with my own running scavenger hunt on here next week!

Somehow I have a lot of things I've been loving all week so without further ado, here it is!

Drippy Pots
If you've never heard of Drippy Pots, then you need to stop what you're doing and go check out @brianginiewski on Instagram. Go ahead, I'll wait while you swoon over his amazing ceramic work. Somebody I follow posted their new drippy mug on their Insta story last week and I have been obsessed ever since! Brian is an artist based out of Philadelphia which makes me love him even more. The only downside is his pieces are pretty pricey ($55 for my dream drippy mug!) but from what I've heard, it's worth it. I am still working on getting John on board with letting me buy one ;)

To be honest, I had never heard of Brad Goreski until I stumbled across an article on BuzzFeed about his viral IGTV videos where he pretends to be a barista for his husband, Gary. Gary used to go to Starbucks every day for his usual (grande iced cafe mocha with 2 pumps of mocha, almond milk, and no whip). Now that he is self-quarantining, his husband Brad has turned their kitchen into "Bradbucks" and films their little interaction every morning. Somehow I find this super entertaining and crack up watching them every day. All the videos can be found on Brad's Instagram, @bradgoreski.

Gratitude Journal
Thanks to Rachel Hollis and her #Next90Challenge, I have been starting out each morning by listing 5 things I am grateful for. With everything going on in the world right now, it has been extremely helpful for me to sit and think about the good I have in each day regardless of everything else going on. I just use a cute journal I had sitting around my house, unused and empty. Like Rachel says, you can write your gratitude list on anything so go ahead and get started!

Rise Podcast, Episode 140: What Your Next Few Weeks Will Look Like (And What You Can Do About It) With David Bach
With Rachel Hollis in my head a lot lately, I started listening to her Rise podcast. I started out with her most recent episode (one more has been released since I've listened to this one) where she chats with her friend, David Bach, who is currently living in Italy for the year. He spends a majority of the episode explaining his experiences with the Coronavirus while living in Italy. David also shares some ways to help people get through this since his family has already been through what we are about to experience. This episode was recorded on March 25th, so the information is a bit outdated (isn't that crazy to think a 2-week-old podcast is outdated?!) but I still found it super interesting to listen to while out on a walk.

Whipped Coffee
After seeing this magical "whipped coffee" or "Dalgona" coffee all over my social media and then again in a BuzzFeed video, I knew I had to try it. The recipe is super simple. You add 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of sugar (I use Splenda and it works fine), and 2 tablespoons of hot water to a cup or bowl. Next, whip it up! I've seen people use everything from a handheld whisk, which takes awhile, to their hand mixer. I opted to use my little milk frother and that worked perfectly. Once your coffee is whipped up, you add it to a glass of your favorite milk and stir. I like to add some vanilla creamer to mine to add more flavor! This has been my go-to midday treat to keep me going the rest of the day.

Question of the Day: What is something you’re loving this week?


  1. When I first saw whipped coffee, I thought someone put a spoonful of peanut butter on top of their glass of milk and was SO confused! Then I realized it was coffee and felt dumb lol. It seems like a fun drink for those that like coffee!

    You need to make a wish list for birthday/Christmas gift ideas and put a drippy mug on it! Personally I keep a running list all year long so that it's easier when people ask for gift ideas.

    Brad-bucks sounds hilarious. I'll have to check it out later!

    One thing I'm loving this week is the Bon Appetit videos where everyone is at home. They're sharing simple things like their favorite kitchen tool or favorite way to make coffee. While it's not the usual BA content, I'm glad they're still producing videos since they're some of my favorite to watch!

    1. I can see how it looks like that, haha. It's such a weird yet cool concept!

      I keep a running list, too! I had forgotten about it until now so I literally just pulled out my phone and added the drippy mug lol. It really is nice having the list because normally I'd freeze when people ask what I want.

      Yes, check it out! It's a good way to kill some time.

      I'll have to check out the Bon Appetit videos! It's cool how some shows are figuring out ways to produce videos at home during this!

    2. I think I thought it was pb at first since it's so close in color compared to coffee when you first scoop it out. If I drank coffee I would totally make it since it seems like a fun thing to do but I don't so I'll just look at everyone else do it haha.

      I actually hate when people ask me lol so the list is a life saver!

      Girl you have to watch BA! If you like cooking then I think you'd enjoy the channel.

  2. I totalllly agree about the “fast and slow” days. It’s so true! They kinda blur together, but also go by slowly. The running scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun! I actually know about Brad Goreski because I think he’s good friends with Tanya Rad from the Scrubbing In podcast- do you listen to that?! So cool about the ceramic- I had no idea he did that! I haveeee to try that whipped coffee! It always looks oh sooo good. Thanks for sharing, Em :)

    1. The running scavenger hunt was a blast! My sister and I talked on the phone while we both were doing it which made it even more fun. Oh my goshh yessss try the whipped coffee! You won't regret it! I hope all has been well with you, Mackenzie :)
