I feel like I keep saying this over and over again but it's true: life is CRAZY! This is my third time training for a marathon and this has been by far the hardest training cycle I've ever had. Between starting a new full time job and moving, I really have a lot on my plate. I thought moving was going to just be crazy for the first week or two, but I was wrong! We still are slowly getting stuff out of our parent's houses. It probably sounds like we have a lot, but we really don't. It's just a lot of little stupid things, like old papers and childhood items, that we take a long time to sort through. I prefer to sort through the items as I pack in order to lighten the load we are bringing into our house (plus stacks of papers add up in weight!). I saw this move as an opportunity to purge a lot of our stuff that was just taking us space. So far I think we have done a great job of throwing out or donating stuff, and I love the open feeling we have in our house now since we haven't brought in much "junk."
Along with moving, work has been busy! With this being my first time being a full time teacher, I'm finally getting a glimpse into the busy life of a teacher. Last year, as a long term sub, there were many things I couldn't do, making the job a bit easier. Now I am the actual teacher (it still feels unreal!) so I'm doing everything from parent contact to attending meetings to filling out paper work. It's honestly a lot of fun so far, but taking a lot out of me. I'm hoping it gets easier as the year goes on, and as we start to settle in here at the Hendricks Home!
Okay, I'm done complaining about this never ending moving process and my busy life. I bet you're wondering what I've been up too lately. Here are some pictures with captions to give you a little update of my life!
I'm loving watching Dexter explore our house! He seems to love our stairs the most (and making every possible noise he can throughout the house...). |
My brother and I are getting serious about our long runs! Last weekend he ran his longest run to date, which made me proud! |
We've been testing out the local cuisine! The bagel place up the street is so far my favorite place :) |
Just loving on Dexter, again :) |
John and I made our first crock pot meal! Chicken, salsa, and corn! Put it over rice or on tortillas and it's AMAZING! |
Ashley's birthday was last week so I made my first baked good in our house: a double chocolate cake! Also, I'm super obsessed with that oven mitt. I might sound crazy, but the AirBNB we stayed in back in May had the same set, so I found it at Target and bought my own :P |
I've been taking advantage of my long runs to do some exploring around my new town! |
Question of the Day: What's something you've been up to lately?
BONUS FUN FACT: This is my 100th blog post! :)
One of the best parts of moving is trying out all the new restaurants!
ReplyDeleteSomething I've been up to lately is holiday shopping. I know it sounds insane but between my family and Alex's we have to buy for 10 people plus some birthdays that are thrown in! Whenever I find myself out browsing I think of potential gift ideas. Also in my defense, there's a 90% chance we'll be driving to my parents for Thanksgiving so if I have some gifts bought then it means I don't have to pay to ship them...
I love getting holiday shopping done early! It really saves you time when life and stores gets hectic in November/December. I'm hoping to get some done soon.