Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week

HAPPY FRIDAY! For once this week actually went by super quickly. I believe that is due to the fact that I had an enormous amount of work to get done so I kept feeling like I needed more time. Even so, I’m super pumped it’s here because I have a super amazing weekend ahead of me! Tonight I’ll be hanging out with my family,l at my sister’s house where we’ll be getting a sneak peak of Tommy’s Halloween costume! Tomorrow, my best friend from college is coming to stay with us for the weekend so that on Sunday we can run our 20 miler together! On Sunday, my friend, my brother, and I will be leaving my house super early and running 10 miles, ending at the start of a 10 mile race. Then, we’ll run that race, totaling 20 miles! It’ll be really fun because not only will we be together, but we’ll cross an actual finish line when we’re done. It really adds to the experience! I guess I have to actually get through this work day first. To make your Friday a little more exciting, enjoy reading about the 5 things I’m loving this week!

1. Our New Grill!
This past week, John's parents surprised us with a brand new grill! We were both very excited as we have been saying how much we wish we could have some grilled food. On Tuesday, John broke in the new grill by making burgers for himself and grilled chicken for me. I had him grill a couple extra chicken breasts so I could have it for lunches this week and as a salad topping for dinner this weekend. I can't wait to grill more!

2. Montreal Chicken Seasoning
This was always my favorite seasoning but I had kind of forgotten about it. When we decided we were going to use the new grill, I asked John to pick up some of this seasoning on his way home so I could put it on my chicken. I'm so glad I did because it made the chicken so much better! I highly recommend this seasoning for anyone who just wants to add some flavor to their chicken.

Dexter already loves the new table!
3. Our New Dining Room Table
Along with a new grill, we also added a new dining room table to our house this week! Up until now, our dining room table was just a mostly empty room with a few boxes sitting around and our server that we had gotten before moving in. Now, it feels complete with the table and the server all put in place!

4. Scarves
One of my favorite parts of fall is being able to start wearing scarves. I'm pretty sure I've worn a scarf every day this week and I'm loving it! I always feel like a scarves makes an outfit look so much cuter.

5.  Running in Shorts and Long Sleeve Shirts
Another thing I love about fall is what I wear during a run. My favorite outfit is shorts and a long sleeve shirt. That is exactly what I've been wearing all week and it's been great!

1 comment:

  1. SO jealous you have a grill!! We use a George Foreman and it works but it's not the same as an actual grill.

    Shorts and long sleeves is my favorite running outfit! I wore it yesterday for my lactate threshold workout and it was perfect.
