Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Products I Use Each Day

Happy Wednesday, everyone!! Back when John and I first started packing to move, I told him we had to make one box just for items we would need the first day/night we were there. This would include any items we typically use in a day that we would need, especially products we use in the shower or to help us get ready for bed or work in the morning. As much as I'd like to think of myself as a minimalist since I hardly wear make up and would prefer to spend as little time as possible in the bathroom getting ready for anything, I still felt like I had a ton of items in said box. This gave me the idea to share with you some of my favorite products I use on a daily basis (other than the typical stuff people use, haha).

In-Shower Body Lotion
If I haven't mentioned it before then I'll mention it now: I have had eczema since I was an infant and although it has gotten better, my skin still sucks. I'm pretty dependent on lotion throughout the day when it comes to my consistently dry skin and random flare-ups. Something that makes my skin even more dry and sore is showers. With cold weather beginning to make its appearance, my skin is already beginning to feel bad so I've started to break out my in-shower body lotion! If you've never heard of in-shower body lotion then listen up, because this stuff is a miracle in a bottle (okay, maybe exaggerating)! The name really explains it all, it's lotion you use while in the shower! After washing up, you apply the lotion just as you would any other lotion. I typically let it soak in for a few minutes while I stand mostly out of the water. Then, you rinse it off and you're done! Easy-peasy! You'll leave the shower with smooth skin and may even be able to skip an after-shower step. Unfortunately, my skin is too dry and I still have to apply more lotion but I feel so much better after using the in-shower lotion.

Biore Charcoal Facial Cleanser
For years I tried many different facial cleansers. My face is typically dry and breaks out every so often so finding a cleanser that didn't leave my face super dry but still made it clean was my main goal. About a year or so ago, when charcoal became the "in" beauty ingredient, I decided to hope on the train and try out Biore's charcoal cleanser. I had previously use their pore strips so I knew they were a pretty solid brand. Since then I have been using this face cleanser every day and I still love it! I love the tingly feeling it leaves while also not drying out my face. If you are on the hunt for a good facial cleanser at a decent price, check out Biore!

This is probably the simplest product in my nightly routine. Each night before I go to bed, I put Vaseline on my lips to keep them from getting dry overnight. I tend to get chapped lips a lot but I've found that I can tame them a lot easier if I put Vaseline on them overnight.

Mary Kay Mineral Powder Foundation
While I'm not a big make up person, I still like to put a little bit of powder foundation on my face to mask the redness. I've been using this particular kind for years now and I still love it! It's just the right consistency that it doesn't feel really thick on my face. Like I've said before, I like my morning routine to be fast, and this helps me out with that! I just use a make up sponge to pat it all over my face and I'm good to go!

Cerave Moisturizing Cream
I can't say too much about this because I literally just started using it but so far it's great! I'm using it as a face cream before bed and in the morning because it has a thick consistency that my face needs in cold weather. I've found that it doesn't feel super thick once it's on my face and doesn't leave my face feeling oily throughout the day.


  1. I always thought in shower lotion was kind of a gimmick! Honestly just kind of assumed it wouldn't work haha. Although it does sound better than having to stand in the cold and putting lotion on in the winter...

    1. I agree but figured it was worth a try and it actually is nice! It definitely saves an extra step after the shower and does help me get dressed quicker! My least favorite thing is being wet when it's cold.
