Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Runner’s Aid Kit Essentials

Happy Halloween! We’re less than 3 weeks out from the Philadelphia Marathon and I am getting so pumped up! I am literally eating, sleeping, and breathing marathon training to ensure November 18th goes as planned. To go along with the theme of running, I’m sharing with you one of my running tips today. I hope you enjoy!

If you're like me and you run a lot, then a "Runner's Aid" kit is a must-have! I came up with the idea for a "Runner's Aid" kit (which is exactly what you'd think, a first aid kit specialized for runners) when I was in college and would drive to various locations to do my long runs. I gathered supplies that I felt like I could need at any point before, after, or during a run, and put them all in a small bag that I stashed in my car. They're also good to keep in your gym bag or any other bag you have with you during a workout or in your house. Everyone's kit can be different, but I'll be sharing with you the items I feel are necessary to keep in my own personal "Runner's Aid" kit.

Icy Hot or BioFreeze- This is great for on-the-spot pain relief when it's just a minor ache or pain.

Pain Relief Medicine- I tend to keep Aleve in my kit because that seems to work best for me.

Snack- You never know when hunger will strike! Try to choose a snack that can last for awhile, like a granola bar or pretzels, just in case you don't eat it for awhile.

Fuel- Depending on your fuel of choice (gel, gummies, Nuun, etc.) and where you store the kit, you may be able to keep some back up fuel in there. I like to have some on hand if an opportunity for a long run ever arises or I just need some energy for a shorter run.

Water Bottle- It may not be as cold as you like it, depending on the time of year, but when you're super thirsty you may not really care!

Deodorant or Any Other Sprays- Just in case you aren't feeling the freshest after a workout or run!

Baby Wipes/Cleansing Wipes- Another way to freshen up after a run or clean dirt off your legs after a trail/muddy run.

Extra Socks- Who wants to stay in wet socks?! These have been a lifesaver for me in so many situations, some not even running related!

KT Tape- If you're someone who uses KT Tape, it's a good idea to keep some on hand in case the need arises.

Sun Block- I try my best to remember to put on sunscreen before a run but sometimes I forget. I like the little sunblock sticks they sell because it's easy to apply in a rush.

Hair Ties- Because we’ve all been there when our only hair tie breaks!

Golf Ball- For on the spot foot rolling or any other target spot rolling.

An Actual First Aid Kit- It's a great idea to keep some first aid items on hand, like band aids, moleskin (for blisters!), and triple antibiotic ointment.

Question of the Day: What would you keep in your Runner’s Aid Kit?


  1. This is so smart haha. I never would think to do this. One thing I would keep is a fresh shirt! I ran after work one day near my office and had to run an errand afterwards. was covered in sweat and disgusting and I wish I had a clean one!

    1. A fresh shirt is definitely something good to keep on hand! I just love to feel prepared all the time so by keeping a ton of things on hand, I feel better haha.

    2. As much as I love being prepared, I am never that prepared. Props to you!
