Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Long Run Must-Haves

I feel like it has been a super long time since I've written a blog post related to running which is kind of funny since I originally created this blog for primarily running. I've been enjoying sharing my personal life with my readers, though, so hopefully you do, too! Anywho, since I am nearing the end of my half marathon training schedule, I am running a lot of long runs. I've been thinking a lot about long runs lately so I figured today I would focus on long run must-haves. I am sure I missed something, so feel free to share some of your long run must-haves in the comments!

If you find a fuel you love, buy it in bulk to save money!

Fuel. No matter what your fuel preference is, you NEED it! I personally prefer Gu and gummi bears for fuel. During marathon training I'll even stuff some fig bars into my pack for when Gu and gummies aren't cutting it. I know there are some people that don't like the texture of Gu and that is okay because there are many other options such as chews, drinks {tailwind, Nuun, etc.}, and even other gels with thinner textures.

I highly suggest a hydration backpack for longer distances. 

Hydration. Carrying water on your long run is a must! Whether you have a handheld, hydration pack, or just a regular ol' water bottle in your hand, carry water with you so you can keep hydrated! If carrying something is not really your jam, you could always stash water bottles around your route in advance or plan your route around water fountains or your house. 

Comfortable outfit. I like to use my long runs as an opportunity to try out different race day outfits. That way if something doesn't feel right or rubs me the wrong way, I can change for next time! Pick something that is weather appropriate and will keep you as comfortable as possible throughout your run.

16 miles is definitely more fun with a running buddy!

Tunes, a good podcast, or a running buddy. Some people out there can run for 10+ miles in complete silence and I applaud them! Personally, I enjoy a nice quiet run to get lost in my thoughts but once I get up there in mileage, I need something other than my thoughts to distract me. My favorite thing to do on a long run is talk with somebody else so doing your long run with a friend is a suggestion I have, if that is possible!

I put my headlamp around my waist so I don’t need to look down the whole time to see where I’m going!

Headlamp and/or reflective gear. Depending on the time you start or end your long run, you may be running in the dark. Be sure to always wear a headlamp or any sort of reflective gear to make you be seen by drivers or other runners/walkers. There are a lot of cool reflective vests out there that are lightweight so you don't even notice them!

KT Tape. Depending on the length of my long run, I like to put KT tape on my ankle. KT Tape works in some magical way and helps support different parts of your body that may feel pain during a run. I want to feel my best during my long runs so I use it to prevent myself from needing to cut a run short.

Question of the Day: What are some of your long run must-haves?


  1. I buy my gels in bulk too! I feel crazy with them but it's crazy how fast you go through them during training. A comfortable running outfit is a must too. I'm pretty sure I find an outfit then wear it almost every long run and race day lol.

    I need hydration too but I use a handheld bottle so I'll either plan a route with water fountains or hide a frozen water bottle (if it's hot) the night before a run.

  2. My sister and I split this last box to make it more cost effective! I didn't need as many as I usually do. I pretty much wear the same outfit for long runs and races too lol. I just like them and know they work.

    I need to do the frozen water bottle hiding! Sometimes I just don't feel like carrying anything!

    1. It makes getting dressed so easy! I do have a few race day options in mind because you can't control weather obviously. That's really smart to split a box, especially since you're getting ready for a half and not a full.

      The frozen water bottle works unless it's too cold at night! Then it doesn't thaw in time haha. My go to spot in NJ was at Alex's parents house since I could always make my long runs go near the house.

    2. I have a couple interchangeable outfits so that I am good for race days! I pretty much end up wearing the same shorts or capris for every race.

      That's smart to use a place you know! I would have to think about a safe place to leave them.
