Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week

You'd think after having a two-hour delay on both Monday and Tuesday that this week would've flew by, but that wasn't the case. I'm incredibly happy that it's finally Friday! I'm leaving right from work to head down to Washington, D.C. with John. We are spending the weekend there with three of his friends from college plus one of those friend's husband. I'm so excited for a little weekend getaway in an area I am not super familiar with. We're going to explore, eat yummy food, and catch up on life :) If anyone has any suggestions of things to do or places to eat in the D.C. area, let me know! For now, read on to see some things I've been loving this week.

1. Sugar Rush
My sister introduced John and I to a new {to us} Netflix show that has become our newest binge! Sugar Rush is a baking show that is unlike many other baking shows I've seen. The show starts off with 4 teams who are competing for the $10,000 prize. The teams are given a theme that is used throughout the three rounds {cupcake round, confections round, and the cake round}. The teams are given a total of 3 hours to complete the first two rounds but the catch is, the quicker they finish, the more time they can add to the last round, which is 3 hours to begin with. I like how each team is finishing at different times and they judge them as they finish. It's totally worth the watch!

2. Cuties Oranges
I picked up a bag of Cuties last week at the store because I had a coupon and it had been awhile since I'd bought them. I'm so glad I did because they've been a nice addition to my lunch every day and they're super easy to peel unlike the oranges I had bought a couple weeks back.

3. Apples
Can you tell food was really on my mind this week? While shopping last week, I grabbed some apples along with my Cuties. Apples are my go-to fruit because they typically last awhile in my fruit bowl and they're easy to just throw in my bag and go. Growing up, I wasn't a huge fan of apples because I always made a mess eating them, plus I took forever to finish one. Now I have an apple at least once a day as a snack.

I love waking up to this view!

4. 2 Hour Weather Delays
On both Monday and Tuesday my school had a 2 hour delay due to snow/unsafe weather. It was such a great feeling to be able to sleep in and have more time to get ready in the morning. I wasn't as productive as I should have been, given I had 2 extra hours, but I did manage to make myself a nice breakfast on Monday and then do a HIIT workout on Tuesday.

5. O'Keefe's Cooling Relief Lip Balm
This time of the year brings out the worst in my lips.Last year I actually went to the doctors after dealing with awful chapped lips that made me look like a child that had Kool-Aid around my mouth for 4+ months. I've been proactive this year with getting the best lip balms for during the day and putting Aquaphor on each night. O'Keefe's Lip Repair has been the best for me so far. The cool relief kind leaves my lips feeling soothed. I've noticed a difference in the intensity of my chapped lips since using it regularly!

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. Enjoy DC! The Smithsonian museums are so well done and you can't go wrong with any of them. There's a few restaurants that I would recommend: Farmers Fishers Bakers, Georgetown Cupcakes, Good Stuff Eatery. The first is a farm to table restaurant that is delicious and along the river. Georgetown Cupcakes was on Food Network so my family just had to check it out when there! Good Stuff Eatery is good for lunch since it's burgers and shakes.

    1. When I went back in high school I remember going to one of the Smithsonian museums and enjoyed it! As of now we have tickets for the Newseum. It looks interesting! Farmers Fishers Bakers and Good Stuff Eatery sound like they would be delicious! I'm definitely suggesting them to my friends! That's so funny that you mentioned Georgetown Cupcakes because it was on the Food Network. I actually looked up bakeries in the area and there is a Sprinkles Cupcakes in the area! One of the judges from a couple of the baking shows on Food Network opened it! I'm all about bakeries haha :)

    2. I can't believe I forgot the Newseum! It was great. The ticket is good for 2 days so don't feel discouraged if you plan to go in the afternoon and can't finish it. You can go back the next day. Also the Spy Museum is fun as well. I know there's Sprinkles Cupcakes is a few cities and Georgetown is just in DC but you truly can't go wrong with a bakery!

    3. That is so cool! We plan on going sometime Saturday so good to know we could stop in on Sunday as well! I only glanced at the website for the Newseum and it seems like it'll be interesting! I might just have to try both bakeries, haha. I can't pass up on good bakeries!

  2. Always love reading your faves, Em! Sugar Rush sounds really great- definitely will give it a look! And those Cuties are so delicious- such a great snack! I also have got to get the lip balm.. my lips have been so dry lately. Thank you for sharing- have such a great week :)

    1. I highly suggest the lip balm for dry lips! It's been such a lifesaver for me lately with this cold, windy weather! Thanks for stopping by and reading about my weekly faves :) Enjoy your week!
