W2D1: Speed Intervals (4:18 interval goal)
Warm up, 4x800 (4:35, 4:20, 4:22, 4:29), cool down
*I was supposed to do 5x800 but the humidity was REAL. I cut out one of the 800's once I realized I was struggling to get even close to my interval goal. I'm just happy I got out there!*
W2D2: Strength Training
15 minutes abs + arms
1 mile lunch time walk
W2D4: Marathon Pace Tempo Run (10:30 pace goal)
Warm up, 2 miles (10:25, 10:19), cool down
1.35 mile lunch time walk
W2D6: 7 mile long run @ MP +45 (11:15 pace goal)
Average pace: 11:11
*My training schedule originally was a 9 mile run @ MP +45 but I was spending the weekend with my friend so I opted to run her mileage instead! We ran a VERY hilly route so it was quite the workout! Running with friends definitely makes the run go by much quicker!*
Total Weekly Mileage: 14 miles
Less mileage and less strength/cross training than last week but it was definitely a busier week. Friday was my last day of working camp so now I have 4 weeks to focus on my training and establish a routine before starting work at the end of the month!
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week
Happy Friday, everyone! I've been looking forward to this Friday since summer began as it is my LAST day of summer camp. I really enjoyed my summer job, but now I have the next couple weeks to relax, get some stuff done, and prepare for this school year! Today we are having an end of summer picnic with the kids and I'm hoping the rain holds off. After work, I'll be hitting the road to go spend the weekend with one of my best friends! I'm looking forward to an awesome weekend and I hope you all are, too! Now onto the reason you are here... my list of things I'm living this week!
1. Officially Being Hired!
If you have been keeping up with my blog, or follow me on Insta, then you know that after 14 months of searching and applying, I have finally been offered a full time teaching position! I am beyond excited and thankful for this opportunity. On Tuesday, I talked with the director of special education in my school and she has me even more excited for this school year. I am really looking forward to having my "own" job as opposed to taking over someone's position as a long-term substitute! I'm sure I'll be talking more about this later! Click here if you want to read the post I wrote the other day about being hired.
2. Shopping for my New Job
Since I've known about my new job for over a month now, I've been slowly buying some fun school supplies #TargetLife. I know I'll have a desk in one of the 6th grade rooms I'll be co-teaching in, but that's about it. I'm okay with that because then I can focus on decorating my desk and assisting my co-teacher with her decorations. I just keep picking up some little supplies I think will be nice to have, like rubber band ball lights!
3. Grey's Anatomy
Last week John and I officially finished the last season of Grey's Anatomy that has been aired. We have been watching it on Netflix for the past couple months and now I'm not sure what we're supposed to do. Apparently we have to wait until next season starts and actually watch it week by week? Crazy talk! Haha but I am looking forward to a new season! I'll just miss binge watching it.
4. This BuzzFeed Article
I was thrilled to find an article on BuzzFeed this week that was a list of 20 Thrillers That Will Keep You Reading Until The Sun Comes Up. I've been reading a lot of thrillers lately so this list provided me with a ton of new books to add to my "want to read" shelf on Goodreads. I hadn't heard of most of them which was even more exciting. This week I'm finishing up The Woman in Cabin 10 which so far I highly suggest! I'm done work this week, and then I am off most of August, so you'll find me either running or reading for the month :)
5. Breaking Another Habit
A few months back, I broke the habit of drinking coffee every day. It was not planned but I'm pretty happy about it. I've noticed in the past month or so I have stopped biting my nails, a bad habit I have had since a child. Once again, it was not planned but I am absolutely thrilled that I have finally stopped without having to go through any extreme measures (sometimes I debated wearing gloves all the time haha). Biting my nails was always a habit that bothered me, but I couldn't find a way to stop so I'm super happy and hope I don't start back up again!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
1. Officially Being Hired!
If you have been keeping up with my blog, or follow me on Insta, then you know that after 14 months of searching and applying, I have finally been offered a full time teaching position! I am beyond excited and thankful for this opportunity. On Tuesday, I talked with the director of special education in my school and she has me even more excited for this school year. I am really looking forward to having my "own" job as opposed to taking over someone's position as a long-term substitute! I'm sure I'll be talking more about this later! Click here if you want to read the post I wrote the other day about being hired.
2. Shopping for my New Job
Since I've known about my new job for over a month now, I've been slowly buying some fun school supplies #TargetLife. I know I'll have a desk in one of the 6th grade rooms I'll be co-teaching in, but that's about it. I'm okay with that because then I can focus on decorating my desk and assisting my co-teacher with her decorations. I just keep picking up some little supplies I think will be nice to have, like rubber band ball lights!
3. Grey's Anatomy
Last week John and I officially finished the last season of Grey's Anatomy that has been aired. We have been watching it on Netflix for the past couple months and now I'm not sure what we're supposed to do. Apparently we have to wait until next season starts and actually watch it week by week? Crazy talk! Haha but I am looking forward to a new season! I'll just miss binge watching it.
My summer genre of choice: thriller. |
I was thrilled to find an article on BuzzFeed this week that was a list of 20 Thrillers That Will Keep You Reading Until The Sun Comes Up. I've been reading a lot of thrillers lately so this list provided me with a ton of new books to add to my "want to read" shelf on Goodreads. I hadn't heard of most of them which was even more exciting. This week I'm finishing up The Woman in Cabin 10 which so far I highly suggest! I'm done work this week, and then I am off most of August, so you'll find me either running or reading for the month :)
Take notice of those nice, not chewed up nails ;) |
5. Breaking Another Habit
A few months back, I broke the habit of drinking coffee every day. It was not planned but I'm pretty happy about it. I've noticed in the past month or so I have stopped biting my nails, a bad habit I have had since a child. Once again, it was not planned but I am absolutely thrilled that I have finally stopped without having to go through any extreme measures (sometimes I debated wearing gloves all the time haha). Biting my nails was always a habit that bothered me, but I couldn't find a way to stop so I'm super happy and hope I don't start back up again!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
I Have a Job!!
102 job applications: filled out.
46 school districts: applied to.
15 interviews: attended.
2 long-term substitute position: completed.
1 job offer for the job of my dreams: ACCEPTED!
The past 14 months have honestly been the most stressful. I graduated from Millersville in May 2017, hoping to jump right into a great teaching position. Instead, I filled out application after application. Attended interviews that left me feeling discouraged. Received many “thanks, but no thanks” denial letters. I eventually accepted two long-term substitute positions for the 2017-2018 school year. Both were amazing and gave me the confidence I needed, along with a great understanding of what I was meant to teach.
14 months ago when I believed finding a teaching job was going to be easy... |
Finally after three (very intimidating yet interesting) interviews, I received the call that I had been waiting for for 14 months: the job offer call. I’m happy to announce that I have accepted a position as a 6th grade special education teacher!
I was actually offered the job back in June (and that’s when I wrote the whole beginning of this post) but I was waiting for the board approval to officially announce! After accepting the job, I sat down with the notebook I’ve been keeping track of the job application process in. I was amazed at the numbers I added up. How did I stay so motivated after so many denials? What pushed me to fill out application after application, even after getting in the hundreds? I won’t lie, the whole process was very discouraging. Knowing that this was the career path for me, and that the right job would come around eventually, kept me going! I kept telling myself that my time would be here soon and when the job was offered to me, everything would fall into place. That is exactly what is happening! So if you're also looking for a job, or trying to stay motivated in your training plan, keep your head up! Good things come to those who wait! Stayed tuned for more updates on my new teaching career :)
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Marathon Training: Week 1
In order to keep myself accountable, and keep track of my workouts, I’m going to be posting my weekly schedule here at the end of each week!
W1D1: Speed Intervals (2:07 interval goal)
Warm up, 8x400 (2:19, 2:08, 2:04, 2:14, 2:16, 2:11, 2:08 2:09, cool down
W1D3: Strength Training
20 minutes abs + arms
W1D4: Short Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
Warm up, 2 miles (9:23, 9:20), cool down
.5 mile lunch time walk
W1D6: 8 mile long run @ MP +30 (11:00 pace goal)
Average pace: 10:50
W1D7: 3 Mile Recovery Run + Strength Training + Cycling
15 minutes abs + 15 minutes cycling
Total Weekly Mileage: 18.5 miles
For the first week, I think it went smoothly! I followed my schedule exactly, except I didn’t get in as much cross training and strength training as I’d like due to my busy schedule. Having a set pace goal is really helpful since I’m not just picking a random pace, I’m going off the schedule I’m following. I decided to do a recovery run on Sunday and I was surprised at how strong I felt and how fast my pace ended up being. I’m already feeling a difference with this plan!
W1D1: Speed Intervals (2:07 interval goal)
Warm up, 8x400 (2:19, 2:08, 2:04, 2:14, 2:16, 2:11, 2:08 2:09, cool down
W1D3: Strength Training
20 minutes abs + arms
W1D4: Short Tempo Run (9:24 pace goal)
Warm up, 2 miles (9:23, 9:20), cool down
.5 mile lunch time walk
W1D6: 8 mile long run @ MP +30 (11:00 pace goal)
Average pace: 10:50
W1D7: 3 Mile Recovery Run + Strength Training + Cycling
15 minutes abs + 15 minutes cycling
Total Weekly Mileage: 18.5 miles
For the first week, I think it went smoothly! I followed my schedule exactly, except I didn’t get in as much cross training and strength training as I’d like due to my busy schedule. Having a set pace goal is really helpful since I’m not just picking a random pace, I’m going off the schedule I’m following. I decided to do a recovery run on Sunday and I was surprised at how strong I felt and how fast my pace ended up being. I’m already feeling a difference with this plan!
Friday, July 20, 2018
Friday Five: My 5 Pieces of Marathon Advice
With marathon training season among us, I figured this was a good post for this lovely Friday! I am in no way an expert, this is only my third marathon I’m training for. But over the last few years, I have definitely heard and learned a lot of great advice, especially for people starting to train for their first marathon. I’m sharing it with you today so hopefully I can help you out a bit! Enjoy your Friday!
1. Make your main goal to finish. I know, I know... setting a time/pace goal is always a big deal for races and I love setting them just as much as the next person, but finishing a marathon is already a major goal. Marathon training is a lot to take in, so focus on enjoying that so you can get to the finish line injury-free and happy! If you do feel the need to set a pace goal (I know a lot of people do, understandably haha. We are all goal getters!), pick a realistic pace goal for yourself. Your first marathon shouldn’t be where you try to qualify for Boston when your current average pace is not even close to the qualifying time. Setting an unrealistic goal for your first marathon may leave you injured or discouraged.
2. Run with friends. Long runs are well, long. Running with friends can make the time go by quicker. Since you should already be running your longer runs at an easier pace to build endurance, charting during your run shouldn’t be too much of a strain. If your friends aren’t training for the same race or distance as you, that’s okay! They could join your for a portion of your long run or join you on your shorter runs. I tend to use my headphones with a microphone to call my friends or family!
3. Practice your race day fuel all during training. Running for 2+ hours requires you to fuel your body with more than just water. If you’ve trained with fuels before (gels, chews, etc.), start by trying them out. Odds are, if they worked before, they’ll work now. If you’re unsure what to use, try out different types of fuels on your runs to see what works best. Something I like to do is find out what the on-course fuel is for race day and train with that since it’ll be available to me during the race. Once you know what you’re going to use, practice fueling with it just like you would on race day. This will help you figure out how often you need a gel and other little details.
4. Come up with a mantra. We all have little things we say to ourselves that keep us going. I personally like to tell myself “you’ve got this” repeatedly during a tough workout. Something I like to do at the beginning of the training cycle is to pick a word or phrase to help motivate me through training. Anytime I’m feeling like I need that extra boost, I say it to myself. Sometimes I’ll even write it down places I’ll see it, especially before or during a run. Some examples could be “one mile at a time,” “slow and steady wins the race,” “believe,” etc. Just make sure it’s a word or phrase that helps you push through the tough times.
5. Enjoy every moment of training and the race. It’s not often you get to tell someone you’re training for a marathon so own it! Tell people about your training. Brag a little, you deserve it! Look forward to your runs. Smile afterwards even if it wasn’t your greatest run because you got out there and ran anyway! Training will be tough. There will be days you think to yourself “how am I going to run 26.2 miles?!” and that is okay. But just remember that you can AND will do this! Not every run will be perfect. You may only run 3 miles on a day that your schedule said 8 and that is OKAY. Getting out there and pushing yourself no matter what is what matters! Just enjoy the whole experience because it’s definitdly something you’ll never forget! I still remember a lot of my first round of marathon training and most of it is positive (or funny).
2. Run with friends. Long runs are well, long. Running with friends can make the time go by quicker. Since you should already be running your longer runs at an easier pace to build endurance, charting during your run shouldn’t be too much of a strain. If your friends aren’t training for the same race or distance as you, that’s okay! They could join your for a portion of your long run or join you on your shorter runs. I tend to use my headphones with a microphone to call my friends or family!
3. Practice your race day fuel all during training. Running for 2+ hours requires you to fuel your body with more than just water. If you’ve trained with fuels before (gels, chews, etc.), start by trying them out. Odds are, if they worked before, they’ll work now. If you’re unsure what to use, try out different types of fuels on your runs to see what works best. Something I like to do is find out what the on-course fuel is for race day and train with that since it’ll be available to me during the race. Once you know what you’re going to use, practice fueling with it just like you would on race day. This will help you figure out how often you need a gel and other little details.
4. Come up with a mantra. We all have little things we say to ourselves that keep us going. I personally like to tell myself “you’ve got this” repeatedly during a tough workout. Something I like to do at the beginning of the training cycle is to pick a word or phrase to help motivate me through training. Anytime I’m feeling like I need that extra boost, I say it to myself. Sometimes I’ll even write it down places I’ll see it, especially before or during a run. Some examples could be “one mile at a time,” “slow and steady wins the race,” “believe,” etc. Just make sure it’s a word or phrase that helps you push through the tough times.
5. Enjoy every moment of training and the race. It’s not often you get to tell someone you’re training for a marathon so own it! Tell people about your training. Brag a little, you deserve it! Look forward to your runs. Smile afterwards even if it wasn’t your greatest run because you got out there and ran anyway! Training will be tough. There will be days you think to yourself “how am I going to run 26.2 miles?!” and that is okay. But just remember that you can AND will do this! Not every run will be perfect. You may only run 3 miles on a day that your schedule said 8 and that is OKAY. Getting out there and pushing yourself no matter what is what matters! Just enjoy the whole experience because it’s definitdly something you’ll never forget! I still remember a lot of my first round of marathon training and most of it is positive (or funny).
Monday, July 16, 2018
Motivation Monday: Marathon Training Edition
Today marks the first day of marathon training for me! I will be running the Philadelphia Marathon for the third time on November 18th. This past Saturday, the Philadelphia Marathon hosted a training kick-off run to pump everyone up for training and I just had to go! The run started at the Art Museum steps and the route went up MLK Drive. Everyone chose the distance they wanted to do, the farthest being 8 miles. There was an after party at the "finish line" where you could get free Dietz & Watson food (they sponsor the Philadelphia Half!), Dunkin' Donuts donuts and coffee, swag bags, Steaz drinks, and more! Oh, and the most exciting part of this whole event? Bart Yasso, the Mayor of Running, was there! He ran with us, hung out at the after party, and then shared some training tips with the crowd, along with a Q&A session. He shared some great advice, which I will be sharing with you today! So if you're about to begin marathon training, are in the middle of a training cycle, or just want to hear some running advice, read on to hear some great advice Bart gave. **Everything may not be exactly as he worded it, but I tried my best!**
Train with a group because that will make long runs much more bearable.
Run your long runs slow so you don't burn out too quickly during training.
Do speedwork closer to the marathon day (about a month to two months beforehand), focus on marathon speed earlier on.
Run hills now to build strength.
20 mile runs are sufficient for marathon training. Anything higher during training isn't necessary.
When running back to back race weekends, go easier on the first weekend and then give it your all on the second weekend. Also, focus on recovery in between! When running back to back race days (think about all those race weekend challenges!), sustain a pace you can run both days. Use the first day as an extra long shake out run.
Yoga and strength training is great since it helps you get stronger and more flexible. Do not feel the need to do this every day. Focus on running since that is most important.
The right mindset goes a long way. Bart actually shared with us the two things he tells himself at the start of every race and I think I may begin doing this as well! The first thing is "I am so lucky to physically be able to do what I'm about to do." I am ALWAYS thankful that I have the ability to run. And the second thing was "We are culturally lucky to do this." Sometimes it is hard to realize that not every culture sees running and supports it the way we do.
I can't even begin to explain how incredible this small part of my Saturday was. Running is a huge part of my life, and things like this just make my heart happy. It's not everyday that I can go on a relaxed, untimed run around Philly with the Mayor of Running and other awesome runners! One of the last questions was "what do you wish you knew before going into your first marathon?" Bart's answer? Pick a marathon that you'll remember and be happy about! Believe me, the Philadelphia Marathon is seriously the BEST first marathon and definitely a memorable one. If you're interested in joining in on an awesome time AKA the Philadelphia Marathon, use my referral link here.
Question of the Day: What running tips would you give to a new runner?
I was SO excited to get a photo with Bart and get the opportunity to talk to him for a little bit! |
Train with a group because that will make long runs much more bearable.
Run your long runs slow so you don't burn out too quickly during training.
We opted for a 5 mile run since we didn't start until 8 am and the heat was REAL by then! |
Do speedwork closer to the marathon day (about a month to two months beforehand), focus on marathon speed earlier on.
Run hills now to build strength.
The Dunkin' people loved my headband + tank combo so much, they took this photo and it ended up on the Philadelphia Marathon Facebook page! |
20 mile runs are sufficient for marathon training. Anything higher during training isn't necessary.
When running back to back race weekends, go easier on the first weekend and then give it your all on the second weekend. Also, focus on recovery in between! When running back to back race days (think about all those race weekend challenges!), sustain a pace you can run both days. Use the first day as an extra long shake out run.
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I have never taken the opportunity to stop for a picture of Boathouse Row until today! |
Yoga and strength training is great since it helps you get stronger and more flexible. Do not feel the need to do this every day. Focus on running since that is most important.
The right mindset goes a long way. Bart actually shared with us the two things he tells himself at the start of every race and I think I may begin doing this as well! The first thing is "I am so lucky to physically be able to do what I'm about to do." I am ALWAYS thankful that I have the ability to run. And the second thing was "We are culturally lucky to do this." Sometimes it is hard to realize that not every culture sees running and supports it the way we do.
I have wanted to meet/hear Bart speak for years and it was so worth the wait! |
I can't even begin to explain how incredible this small part of my Saturday was. Running is a huge part of my life, and things like this just make my heart happy. It's not everyday that I can go on a relaxed, untimed run around Philly with the Mayor of Running and other awesome runners! One of the last questions was "what do you wish you knew before going into your first marathon?" Bart's answer? Pick a marathon that you'll remember and be happy about! Believe me, the Philadelphia Marathon is seriously the BEST first marathon and definitely a memorable one. If you're interested in joining in on an awesome time AKA the Philadelphia Marathon, use my referral link here.
Question of the Day: What running tips would you give to a new runner?
Saturday, July 14, 2018
It's Almost Marathon Training Time!
Hello, all! I know I’ve been a little MIA lately and I only have myself to blame for that. I’ve been super tired after work lately and have been pouring all my energy into running and spending time with John and family. Time has just been flying by. Can you believe it’s already basically the middle of July aka close to the end of summer?! Something else significant about this time of year is that training for the Philadelphia Marathon begins for me! I do a 18 week training scheduled which makes my training schedule begin on July 16th! I’m pretty pumped to get back into a training schedule. That seems to keep me motivated because I hate not following closely along. Now there are times that I do switch around my schedule due to not feeling well or schedule conflicts, but otherwise I’m pretty good at keeping on plan!
This year I’m switching things up and following the 3plus2 training program from the book Run Less, Run Faster. I read this book a couple months back and really liked the sound of improving my pace with just 3 key runs a week! With my busy schedule, more than 3 runs a week isn’t always possible. By following this plan, I’ll hopefully never feel like I’m not running enough. Plus, I’m hoping to improve my pace and run a faster marathon than my previous two.
The 3plus2 training program consists of 3 key runs: track repeats, tempo runs, and long runs. Each week you do one of each run, in that order, following the pace charts in the book based off my goal marathon pace. My goal marathon pace is 10:30, making my goal finish time 4:35:18. I’m not entirely sure how possible this is for me given my previous marathon finish times, but the training plan seems doable and I’m a #GoalDigger always looking for a challenge!
My track repeats will range from 400 to 1600 intervals, focusing on paces under 9 minutes. I’ve never really followed a specific speedwork plan, I usually just make it up as I go, so I’m eager to try this out! Tempo runs will range anywhere from 4 to 10 miles and be paced between 9:24 and 10:30. My long runs are nothing different than I’ve done in the past, mileage wise, except this time I’ll be more focused on my pace. My pace will be my marathon goal pace + 20-45 seconds. Towards the end of training I will do a few “shorter” long runs that will be at marathon pace.
This schedule will be a little different than I am used to but I think it’ll be for the best! In years past, my goal has just been to finish, which is the best goal for any first-time marathon runners. Now that I’ve gotten my feet wet a bit, I’m ready for bigger goals and more challenges. I’ll be posting weekly about my training and my thoughts on how the plan is going for anyone interested! And also with my ownmarathons being the only thing on my mind (okay, maybe asides from my wedding and house hunting), a lot of my posts in the next 18 weeks will be focusing on marathons, from training tips to my own personal thoughts and everything in between!
Question of the Day: Have you ran a marathon? If not, are you currently training for one?
This year I’m switching things up and following the 3plus2 training program from the book Run Less, Run Faster. I read this book a couple months back and really liked the sound of improving my pace with just 3 key runs a week! With my busy schedule, more than 3 runs a week isn’t always possible. By following this plan, I’ll hopefully never feel like I’m not running enough. Plus, I’m hoping to improve my pace and run a faster marathon than my previous two.
The 3plus2 training program consists of 3 key runs: track repeats, tempo runs, and long runs. Each week you do one of each run, in that order, following the pace charts in the book based off my goal marathon pace. My goal marathon pace is 10:30, making my goal finish time 4:35:18. I’m not entirely sure how possible this is for me given my previous marathon finish times, but the training plan seems doable and I’m a #GoalDigger always looking for a challenge!
My track repeats will range from 400 to 1600 intervals, focusing on paces under 9 minutes. I’ve never really followed a specific speedwork plan, I usually just make it up as I go, so I’m eager to try this out! Tempo runs will range anywhere from 4 to 10 miles and be paced between 9:24 and 10:30. My long runs are nothing different than I’ve done in the past, mileage wise, except this time I’ll be more focused on my pace. My pace will be my marathon goal pace + 20-45 seconds. Towards the end of training I will do a few “shorter” long runs that will be at marathon pace.
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Super pumped that it's the 25th anniversary! |
This schedule will be a little different than I am used to but I think it’ll be for the best! In years past, my goal has just been to finish, which is the best goal for any first-time marathon runners. Now that I’ve gotten my feet wet a bit, I’m ready for bigger goals and more challenges. I’ll be posting weekly about my training and my thoughts on how the plan is going for anyone interested! And also with my ownmarathons being the only thing on my mind (okay, maybe asides from my wedding and house hunting), a lot of my posts in the next 18 weeks will be focusing on marathons, from training tips to my own personal thoughts and everything in between!
Question of the Day: Have you ran a marathon? If not, are you currently training for one?
Friday, July 13, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week
TGIF! I really didn't think Friday would ever get here! I felt like it was Friday all day Thursday so my week was pretty much really thrown off. But now it's Friday and I have some house hunting, running, and a game night on my schedule! I hope everyone had an awesome week and is heading into a great weekend! :)
1. Hippie Runner Headbands
I recently cut my hair a little bit shorter than I'm used to. It's super cute, but I'm struggling to put my hair into a ponytail now! Luckily, I remembered I had a couple thicker headbands laying around that I scored free at running expos. Once I learned that those were the trick to holding back the hair that wouldn't stay in my ponytail, I knew I had to order more in cuter patterns/colors. I have been receiving e-mails from Hippie Runner for awhile now, and they always have the cutest patterns, so I decided to order from there. Plus, their buy one, get one free sale was super helpful! Since getting the 6 I ordered in the mail last week, I have been loving them! The designs are adorable and they fit me perfectly! The material is a bit silkier than my other headbands, but they don't slip at all during my run. I definitely want to order more in the future. Check them out here if you're looking for cute, affordable headbands!
2. Knockaround Sunglasses
I heard about Knockaround sunglasses a couple months back, but I was putting off buying them for awhile. All of the sunglasses I have are freebies I've collected over the years. The sunglasses you tend to get free places are the exact type of glasses I love, so why pay for them? I finally decided that maybe I should have one nice pair of sunglasses for when I don't want to wear all the brightly colored pairs I have. Knockaround had a 25% a week or so ago, so I used this as an opportunity to treat myself to a pair of black Classics with polarized lenses. They are very affordable and super great! The frames are lightweight and aren't tight where they give me a headache. I'm thinking about buying more pairs in the future because they have great designs! If you're interested in buying a pair or two, feel free to use my referral code!
3. 10 Life-Changing Things to Try in July BuzzFeed article
Since I love BuzzFeed a lot and go on almost every day to read articles, I'm going to start adding at least one to my weekly favorites! This week's article that I love is a list of 10 life-changing things to try this month. Each month, BuzzFeed posts a list of things you should try that month that were tested or used by BuzzFeed staff the previous month. I love reading these articles because I always find new products or ideas! The list this month is great, like always, and I already added the book to my "want to read" shelf on Goodreads and am considering buying the Migraine Stick recommended for headaches.
4. Brooks Running Shoes
If you haven't realized already, I have a strong love for Brooks running shoes, and I feel the need to add them to my list this week just because. My first pair of official running shoes were Brooks Ghosts and I have been in love ever since. My go-to shoes are the Ghosts and Launches. Overall, I just love the company and think they have an amazing mindset portrayed by their slogan Run Happy. Last week I ordered some new shoes and as always, I am amazed at the comfort of their shoes and the speediness of their shipping! For anyone still unsure of what shoes they should be wearing, check out Brooks! The website has a cool little survey you can take to see which shoes are best for you and it's great!
5. Wedding Dress Shopping
Last night I went wedding dress shopping and after trying on many gorgeous dresses, I said yes to my dress! The dress fits me perfectly and only needs to be hemmed! Plus, it was a sale dress so I was able to take it home last night! Now I just have to stare at it and wait until August 9, 2019 to display it for the world :P
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
1. Hippie Runner Headbands
I recently cut my hair a little bit shorter than I'm used to. It's super cute, but I'm struggling to put my hair into a ponytail now! Luckily, I remembered I had a couple thicker headbands laying around that I scored free at running expos. Once I learned that those were the trick to holding back the hair that wouldn't stay in my ponytail, I knew I had to order more in cuter patterns/colors. I have been receiving e-mails from Hippie Runner for awhile now, and they always have the cutest patterns, so I decided to order from there. Plus, their buy one, get one free sale was super helpful! Since getting the 6 I ordered in the mail last week, I have been loving them! The designs are adorable and they fit me perfectly! The material is a bit silkier than my other headbands, but they don't slip at all during my run. I definitely want to order more in the future. Check them out here if you're looking for cute, affordable headbands!
2. Knockaround Sunglasses
I heard about Knockaround sunglasses a couple months back, but I was putting off buying them for awhile. All of the sunglasses I have are freebies I've collected over the years. The sunglasses you tend to get free places are the exact type of glasses I love, so why pay for them? I finally decided that maybe I should have one nice pair of sunglasses for when I don't want to wear all the brightly colored pairs I have. Knockaround had a 25% a week or so ago, so I used this as an opportunity to treat myself to a pair of black Classics with polarized lenses. They are very affordable and super great! The frames are lightweight and aren't tight where they give me a headache. I'm thinking about buying more pairs in the future because they have great designs! If you're interested in buying a pair or two, feel free to use my referral code!
3. 10 Life-Changing Things to Try in July BuzzFeed article
Since I love BuzzFeed a lot and go on almost every day to read articles, I'm going to start adding at least one to my weekly favorites! This week's article that I love is a list of 10 life-changing things to try this month. Each month, BuzzFeed posts a list of things you should try that month that were tested or used by BuzzFeed staff the previous month. I love reading these articles because I always find new products or ideas! The list this month is great, like always, and I already added the book to my "want to read" shelf on Goodreads and am considering buying the Migraine Stick recommended for headaches.
4. Brooks Running Shoes
If you haven't realized already, I have a strong love for Brooks running shoes, and I feel the need to add them to my list this week just because. My first pair of official running shoes were Brooks Ghosts and I have been in love ever since. My go-to shoes are the Ghosts and Launches. Overall, I just love the company and think they have an amazing mindset portrayed by their slogan Run Happy. Last week I ordered some new shoes and as always, I am amazed at the comfort of their shoes and the speediness of their shipping! For anyone still unsure of what shoes they should be wearing, check out Brooks! The website has a cool little survey you can take to see which shoes are best for you and it's great!
No, that isn't the dress behind me, I'm actually wearing the dress in this picture :) |
5. Wedding Dress Shopping
Last night I went wedding dress shopping and after trying on many gorgeous dresses, I said yes to my dress! The dress fits me perfectly and only needs to be hemmed! Plus, it was a sale dress so I was able to take it home last night! Now I just have to stare at it and wait until August 9, 2019 to display it for the world :P
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Friday, July 6, 2018
Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week
Happy Friday that doesn't feel like a Friday! Having off on Wednesday for the Fourth really has me all messed up with my schedule but that's okay! I enjoyed the day off and now I have another two days to relax. John has off this weekend so I hope we do something fun!
1. 39 Simple and Doable Ways to Use A Lot Less Plastic in July article
First off, I'm a HUGE Buzzfeed fan and that is where I spend a majority of my screen time so it was no wonder that I stumbled across this awesome article. The title of the article intrigued me due to my love of saving the environment (fun fact: I was the president of my school's ecology club in high school. John refers to me as his little tree hugger...). One major way to help save the environment is using less plastic. If you are unsure how to go about this, read this article for a pretty extensive list of ways you can use less plastic. You'll be surprised how easy it is to help the environment! My main ways of using less plastic are using reusable straws in my reusable water cup, packing my lunch in containers rather than plastic baggies, and bringing my own canvas shopping totes to the grocery store.
2. My Summer Job
This summer I am spending the next couple weeks working at an arts and crafts director at my township's summer recreation program. In the past, I have worked as a counselor and boy do I love being an assistant director as opposed to a counselor! I spend my days teaching adorable kids different crafts. So far the kids have loved everything we've made!
3. Days Off
This kind of goes against number three... but I really enjoyed having off for the Fourth of July on Wednesday! I started off my morning with a 4 mile run before spending some time with John just relaxing. After he went to work, I went to my sister's for a fun night of games, yummy food, and a ride in Tommy's new wagon!
4. Early Morning Runs
The only way I'm getting a decent run in during this heat wave is if I get up super early to do it.. so that's what I've been doing! I don't have to be in work until 8 am so I have plenty of time to get up and run in the morning to beat the heat. So far it's been a good choice for me and it starts my day on a good note! Surprisingly I haven't been too tired throughout the day, which is a bonus!
This is one of the headbands I just ordered! |
5. Headbands
With my new haircut, headbands have been a must for me when it comes to keeping my hair back during a run. I typically wear Sweatybands, but they just haven't been working with my crazy hair lately. Instead, I've been wearing wider headbands that I received free at a running event sometime ago. I only have three, and they aren't in the most fun patterns/colors, so I ordered a couple Hippie Runner headbands on Wednesday during their Fourth of July sale. Now I can't wait to receive my order!
Question of the Day: What are you loving this week?
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Happy Fourth of July!
I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely Fourth of July holiday! Hopefully you are like me and have the day off. I'm jealous of those who were able to get more than one day off this week, but I'm forever thankful for this one day! Since the holiday falls in the middle of the week, my day won't be spent doing anything too exciting. My family is going over to my sister's house this afternoon for a relaxing BBQ and possibly a swim in my nephew's baby pool :P
I was lucky enough to spend this past weekend down the Jersey Shore with John, John's best friend, Dean, and his friend. We drove down early Saturday (I had John up before 6 am!) so we would have as much time as possible! We got to the place we'd be staying with them around 8 am and were in our chairs on the beach by 10 am. Somehow the beach wasn't crowded yet, so we got a great spot. I'm not a huge beach person, but somehow I was able to last until 4 pm! The time was spent reading, walking up and down the beach, going in the water, and catching some rays. I managed to get some nasty sunburn on my back, but nothing is as bad as the sunburn John got!
After the beach and some rest, we all headed over to the Crab House for dinner. I was hot so I got a shrimp Caesar salad. It really hit the spot! Afterwards, we walked up to the Wildwood boardwalk so we could get waffles and ice cream! I got mine with s'mores ice cream and it was delicious! Our night pretty much ended after that because John didn't feel well with his sunburn. I wasn't complaining, though, because I was exhausted and ready for bed!
My Sunday morning started bright and early which I was okay with because I was eager to go for a run. Crazy as it sounds, I've had 'run on the boardwalk' and 'run on the Wildwood sea wall' for awhile now. I happily checked them off my list after this weekend! The sea wall was all I had imagined! I could see the ocean the whole way up and back, as the sun was rising. There weren't too many people out, which is my preference. After the sea wall, I headed up the Wildwood boardwalk. I ended at 6 miles, right at the 7th Ave beach entrance. I took my running shoes off and walked onto the beach so I could walk in the water up until 6th Ave where we were staying. I made it back to the house in time for a pancake breakfast!
After some relaxing, we went to a winery over in Cape May. We all did a tasting and then spent the rest of our time at the bar, hanging out and eating some yummy food! We spent awhile there before heading back to the house. It was super hot out at this point, but we braved the heat and walked up to the boardwalk again. Surprisingly, it felt very cool up on the boardwalk. It was a relief! I was happy when we finally got some boardwalk pizza! It's my favorite! We may have also gotten more ice cream so John could finally try out the waffles and ice cream he missed out on ;)
After a very long weekend, we finally got on our way home. I was beyond ready to get some sleep in my own bed, but not ready to head back to work. Although, I am really loving my job this summer! That'll be a post for another day, though :) I hope you all enjoy your day!
I was lucky enough to spend this past weekend down the Jersey Shore with John, John's best friend, Dean, and his friend. We drove down early Saturday (I had John up before 6 am!) so we would have as much time as possible! We got to the place we'd be staying with them around 8 am and were in our chairs on the beach by 10 am. Somehow the beach wasn't crowded yet, so we got a great spot. I'm not a huge beach person, but somehow I was able to last until 4 pm! The time was spent reading, walking up and down the beach, going in the water, and catching some rays. I managed to get some nasty sunburn on my back, but nothing is as bad as the sunburn John got!
After the beach and some rest, we all headed over to the Crab House for dinner. I was hot so I got a shrimp Caesar salad. It really hit the spot! Afterwards, we walked up to the Wildwood boardwalk so we could get waffles and ice cream! I got mine with s'mores ice cream and it was delicious! Our night pretty much ended after that because John didn't feel well with his sunburn. I wasn't complaining, though, because I was exhausted and ready for bed!
Our awesome dinner view! |
After some relaxing, we went to a winery over in Cape May. We all did a tasting and then spent the rest of our time at the bar, hanging out and eating some yummy food! We spent awhile there before heading back to the house. It was super hot out at this point, but we braved the heat and walked up to the boardwalk again. Surprisingly, it felt very cool up on the boardwalk. It was a relief! I was happy when we finally got some boardwalk pizza! It's my favorite! We may have also gotten more ice cream so John could finally try out the waffles and ice cream he missed out on ;)
After a very long weekend, we finally got on our way home. I was beyond ready to get some sleep in my own bed, but not ready to head back to work. Although, I am really loving my job this summer! That'll be a post for another day, though :) I hope you all enjoy your day!
Monday, July 2, 2018
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