Wednesday, March 20, 2019

My Spring Bucket List

Happy First Day of Spring! I hope everyone is celebrating this day with some free Rita's or whatever cool spring offers you have in your area! To celebrate this wonderful season, I thought I would make a bucket list of all the things I'd like to do throughout the next few months. I'm really betting on some good weather so let's hope that is the case!

Run on Trails
It's not much of a secret that I am dying to run an ultra marathon. Unfortunately, a majority of them are trail races. As much as I love running on trails, I am not very experienced and I've heard that experience is necessary to go out and run 26.2+ miles on one. I am hoping to dedicate as many runs as possible to trails in my area to start preparing myself.

Eat Dinner on the Patio
When we moved in, my grandparents thoughtfully bought us a patio set. The thing is, that was back in September and the weather hasn't been too warm since then. As the warm weather starts the make it's appearance, I'm looking forward to using the grill we have and sitting outside to eat some meals.

Do Work/Read on the Patio
As you can tell, I love being outside. Once it's warm enough, I can't wait to sit at the table on my patio and do work for school or just read a book!

Go Hiking
John and I love exploring new trails. Living somewhere new should give us a lot of new options for hiking!

Bike on Local Trail
Our town has an awesome program where you can rent bikes for FREE! While training for Philly back in the fall, I was always eyeing up the bike rack where they're kept, dreaming about a nice bike ride on a spring day. Hopefully that happens soon!

Organize the Garage
This may seem silly and not so fun, but it needs to get done. Since moving in, our garage has become a dumping ground for all things we don't have a place for {read: things we can get rid of!} or garage items that desperately need to be oragnized. I am hoping to organize the garage during the springtime while the weather isn't super hot. Also, organizing and decluttering is actually enjoyable to me, silly as it sounds!

Try a New Restaurant
Moving to a new area means lots of new restaurants to try. Maybe we will even find one with outdoor seating so we can enjoy the weather!

Question of the Day: What is something on your spring bucket list?


  1. I love sitting outside and reading!! Seriously there's nothing better after work. A lot of times, I'll take Bailey on a walk then we'll bring water and a book/bone outside so we can enjoy it.

    One thing on my spring bucket list is to try new restaurants as well. I already started a list of places to go to haha.

    1. Our development has a pool so I can't wait until the summer to sit there and read! Trying out new restaurants is so fun! We recently found a new sushi place right up the street from us that we love. I've been making a list of other local places I want to try now!

    2. That'll be so nice! Our complex has a pool but we never go. The lifeguard was SO creepy the only time Alex and I went and we've never been since. I love places that are close so it's an easy night out or takeout option if you mess up dinner haha.

    3. The pool was closed by time we moved in so I'm not sure how it is. I'm hoping for no creepy lifeguards! It's right next to our house so it'll be nice for us to walk to whenever we want.

  2. Love how outdoors focused this spring bucket list is!!! This is motivating me to go outside right now (well maybe not considering it’s 9 pm haha). I love trying new restaurants too- can’t wait to see what you find :) And hmm for me- I have some places in SF I’d like to visit for sure !
