Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week

I went all day yesterday thinking it was Friday so now I'm glad it's actually Friday! We have an in-service day for work and I am actually looking forward to a quiet day that consists of a Google training and IEP writing time. Fingers crossed the day flies by because I have a busy yet fun weekend ahead of me! Tomorrow my precious nephew, Tommy, turns two and he is having a Cars themed birthday party to celebrate! Most of my Saturday will be spent with him and then Sunday we are meeting with our officiant {a family friend} in the afternoon before heading to a Phillies game. I'm tired just thinking about it all, haha. Before I head out to get this in-service over and done with, I'm sharing some things I've been loving this week!

1. Torani SF Vanilla Syrup
I picked this syrup up back in the fall so I could make my DIY London Fog {insert heart eyes here}. This past weekend I realized I should be putting this in all of my tea drinks. Let me tell you, total game changer! I've been putting a splash of vanilla syrup in my morning tea all week and it honestly feels like I picked up a fancy tea drink from Starbucks. The best part is, this brand offers a BUNCH of different flavors {both regular AND sugar free!} so there is an option for everyone. I'm currently eyeing up the SF chocolate chip cookie dough, SF s'mores, and SF cinnamon vanilla flavors!

2. To Do Lists
This might sound goofy, but I've really been loving to do lists lately! I can tend to be a bit scatterbrained when life starts getting busy, so to do lists are a must to keep me in check. Lately I've had a list for everything {the wedding, home, work, etc.} and the greatest feeling has been checking off items. I love feeling productive!

3. Free Nights
This one might sound silly as well, but this was the first week in what feels like months that John and I didn't have a jam-packed schedule. As much as I love keeping myself busy, it felt so good to come home most days and not have to hurry from one place to another. This gave me time to get some random housework done, do some wedding planning, and most importantly, RELAX!

4. Wedding Planning
I know my list is a lot of non-tangible items this week. That wasn't intentional! Due to our free time in the past week, John and I have gotten a good amount of wedding planning done and it's been all fun stuff. I won't lie, not all of the wedding planning process has been super fun for me. As much as I'm a planner, it can just get stressful at times when you have so much to do and can't figure out how to prioritize these items. Luckily, I'm at the fun part where I'm just piecing together some stuff and it has been so enjoyable!

5. Warm Nuun
Every day during my prep period, which is around 1:30 pm, I make a cup of hot tea. It's just that little extra boost I need to make it to 3:05. On Wednesday, while going in my desk drawer to grab out a tea bag, I saw my Nuun Immunity tube and had a brilliant idea: mix a tablet with hot water for a warm orange citrus drink! I've heard of people mixing the ginger lemonade flavor or the Nuun Rest with warm water so I figured why not. Well let me tell you, it actually tasted pretty good! I made some on Thursday, too, and I loved it. I want to try it with other flavors eventually.

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. Warm nuun? Maybe it's just because I have fruity flavors but I'm not sure how I would feel about that. I could see why people would use the ginger lemonade flavor to make it warm though!

    Something I'm loving this week is jalapeno chips. I picked them up post long run last week and have been munching on a few everyday.

    1. I know, it sounded strange when I heard of it, but it actually works with the orange citrus flavor! I agree that it would probably be weird with the other fruity flavors though.

      Those chips sound good! I'm not a big jalapeno person but it's not usually too strong of a flavor in chips, though. I always love finding new snacks!

  2. Oh my gosh! I love Torani syrup. When I was a barista it was my favorite to make drinks with (and still my favorite to drink!). It’s the best brand for suuure.

    Ahhh I have been back in the groove of making to-do lists too the last couple weeks. We are just on the same wave length! It really does make all the difference, doesn’t it?!

    Free nights really are the BEST!

    Ohhh adding Nuun to tea is a spectacular idea!!! I need to try that.

    Thank you for sharing, Em.

    This week I am loving rewatching all the Pretty Little Liars series. Did you watch ? If you did… I never did find out who “A” was & now that The Perfectionists was released on Hulu I want to start from the beginning .Have a great weekend!

    1. I never realized how many flavors Torani had! To-do lists totally make such a difference somehow! Making them and crossing things off them make me feel so productive.

      I never actually watched Pretty Little Liars but I read all the books! I've always wanted to watch the show but never got into it. Maybe I just liked the books more? Who knows!

      Thanks for reading! :)
