Monday, April 1, 2019

My Week in Pictures XV

How is it already Monday?! We had a fun yet jam-packed weekend so it really flew by. Last week was a pretty chill week for us which was great because between now and Easter we are going to be pretty busy. With the wedding being close to 4 months out, wedding planning is in full swing in the {soon-to-be} Hendricks house! Okay, enough rambling, here’s a some stuff I was up to all week!

On Monday my book club had its last meeting, complete with snacks!

That night was my wedding hair and make up trial. My stylists really worked there magic and blew me a way. You’ll have to wait for the full look in August 😉

Dexter snuggled with me while John and I watched TV together Tuesday night.

Ashley and I went to an alumni event at a local restaurant for our university. It was the perfect excuse for a night out!

I found a recipe for grilled pizza on Thursday which meant we just HAD to try it for dinner that night. It was delicious!

Dexter likes to spend at least one weekend morning snuggling in bed with me. That was Saturday morning.

Saturday was Tommy's 2nd birthday!! He had a Cars themed birthday party and had a blast!

Just some fun selfies of us from the past year :)

5 slow, rainy miles on Sunday morning.

We had free tickets for the Phillies game Sunday night! We brought John's cousin and his wife, my brother, my sister, her husband, and Tommy. It was Tommy's first game and he loved it!

Tommy loved leaning on my back while watching the game, hahaha.

Question of the Week: What is something fun you did this weekend?


  1. I love the look of the braided headband (or whatever the correct term is). It will be so pretty for a wedding! I'm glad the trial went well and you and the person/people you hired know the plan.

    Something fun this weekend was we went to Alex's brother and SIL's house for his brother's birthday with a few other people. Low key but it was fun.

    1. Thanks!! The trial made me get in such a positive mindset for my wedding morning because I was so worried they would do my hair/make up that morning and then I'd hate it but after the trial I'm super confident I'll look great! When (not if lol) you and Alex get married, I highly suggest doing a hair and make up trial if you can! I didn't think it was really necessary but then it was part of my package so I figured why not. Now I have one less thing to stress about lol.

      A low key party sounds nice! I love simple get togethers like that :)

    2. Haha it is definitely a when for us :) Since curly hair can be a beast, I already planned on getting a trial done for that. I need to know my hair won't look like a frizzy mess on my wedding day!

  2. From the sliver preview of your hair it looks beautiful!!! Pizza on the grill is the BEST. WE used to do that with my fam in high school, but we don’t have a grill anymore. I guess I could try it on our mini George Forman lol. Awww Happy Birthday Tommy! Love the cake & those pics of you two. Thanks for sharing, Em- what a fun weekend!

    1. Thank you soo much!! I can't believe I had never thought of grilled pizza before! Such a game changer. Aww thanks, it was so much fun!

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