Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Five: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Happy Friday, everyone!! For once, this week did NOT feel like it was dragging out. Maybe it was the nice weather? Or maybe it was the fact that I'm done working this job on Monday and I love it so it's just flying by? Either way, I'm okay with it! I'm hoping to have a fun and relaxing weekend so I hope you all are as well!

Shorts + Tank Tops = BEST RUNNING OUTFIT!
1. Running in Shorts
I don't know why, but it feels so freeing to run in shorts and a tank top. It's wonderful not being weighed down with heavy clothing and multiple layers. I'm not 100% sure if this warm weather is here to stay but I've already packed away my winter running clothes because I am over them. I will be pro-shorts (or capris) for the next couple months because I missed them!

Here's my referral code if you'd like to use it when you sign up! You'll get $10 that can be redeemed once you redeem $10 worth of offers. I have only been using iBotta for a little over a week and I've already received my $10 bonus.
2. iBotta
I'm fairly new to this app so I don't have too much to say besides it's AWESOME! All you do is make an account (feel free to use my referral code: IUFLOHR ), claim some offers to get cash back on purchases at select stores (you must add each offer you plan to use), and shop! After you shop, redeem your receipt by scanning it in the app and BAM you get some cash back for the offers claimed and bought! You may have to scan the physical item as well so make sure you have it handy when redeeming. Like I said, I'm new to the app so I don't know everything just yet but I'll try to write about it sometime in the future when I become more comfortable with it.

Little peek into my Insta stories!
3. Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookies
I know I'm late to the game on these but I finally had the opportunity to try these amazing protein-filled goodies! Lenny & Larry's cookies have always been on my radar but I've been hesitant to try them due to their high prices. While in Walmart last week, I stumbled across boxes of them on the clearance shelf! They only had the oatmeal raisin kind but luckily that probably would've been my first choice anyway. For only $3 a box, I couldn't pass up this deal and opportunity to finally try these cookies! So far I absolutely love them! They're fairly large so I break them up and eat one over the span of a day or two. The other day I ate half of one for breakfast and that kept me full for awhile. I had another quarter of it before my run, which was perfect and didn't bother my tummy, and then ate the rest of it after. The taste and texture is as close to a oatmeal raisin cookie as I thought possible but without the guilt! For those who haven't tried a Lenny & Larry's complete cookie yet, you should.

4. Turkey Bowls
Yes, I am aware it is April but that doesn't mean I can't love turkey bowls! My mom made a delicious turkey dinner on Sunday that felt just like Thanksgiving. One of my favorite parts about Thanksgiving dinner is the leftovers so that's exactly what I've been eating all week!

Two of my favorite gifts from two of my closest friends!
5. Hot Tea
Okay, this is another weird favorite this week but oh well. If you read my last post then you know I haven't been drinking coffee all week. A few times this week I have been drinking hot tea which has always been a favorite drink of mine, but this week I'm re-appreciating (is that even a word?!) again. I broke out my tea box this week and am amazed at all the flavored tea bags I've been holding onto! Nothing beats a nice cup of hot tea after a long day or my favorite, a long run :)

Question of the Day: What are you loving this week? Do you have any fun weekend plans?


  1. I'm pro shorts now too! I think I'll just bury my pants and long sleeve running clothes under all my warm weather ones since I'm claiming warm weather is here to stay ;)

    This week I've been loving a little social media detox from a broken phone. Although definitely didn't love the no phone part haha.

    1. It must be here to stay! I will wear shorts no matter what haha.

      It must feel so nice, yet so weird, having a little social media detox. Will you be getting a new phone anytime soon?

    2. I actually got a new phone Wednesday! It feels nice to be able to communicate with the outside world haha.
