Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week

Hi everyone! I'm so happy it's finally Friday but even more happier that I am off today until NEXT Monday! I am really looking forward to this long break even though I am getting my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. I guess that means I'll get some guaranteed rest! I hope everyone has a nice weekend planned for the holiday. Before I get this break going, I'm sharing the 5 things I've been loving this week with you.

Don’t mind Dexter just creeping in the window...

1. My New Plant
Last week John needed to get soil for his new raspberry plant. Since the soil came in huge bags, he suggested I pick out another plant to put on our back patio so we could use more of the soil. I chose a pretty purple hydrangea that adds a beautiful pop of color to our patio!

2. Sandal Weather
Being a runner, I don't have the nicest toenails. Wearing sandals isn't usually something I enjoy but something about this nice weather lately has me loving wearing them to work. I painted my toenails so my toenails don't look too gnarly haha.

3. Fancy Cat Napkins
While out shopping for my sister's baby shower, my mom found the cutest cat napkins. She bought them for me so I could put them in my bathroom during the party just like fancy restaurants do. I just think they are the cutest thing and they really helped "fancy up" my guest bathroom.

4. Girl, Wash Your Face! by Rachel Hollis
I'm embarrassed to admit that I starting reading this book in January but literally just finished it last week. It's hard for me to keep up with personal reading books during the school year since I'm constantly reading books for class. I really enjoyed reading this book because I could stop and then pick up where I left off later and never felt "lost" since it doesn't follow a strict story line. I loved the life lessons Rachel shared with us. Each chapter made me feel like I had the ability to change myself and different parts of my life with the stories and advice she shared. I am now looking forward to reading her newest book, Girl, Stop Apologizing!, as soon as I can get my hands on it.

If you can't tell, I am so so SO happy it is finally my spring break! My school hasn't had any real break besides a few random days off since our Christmas break, and let me tell you, it is much needed! For the past few weeks, you could feel the morale and energy of both the staff and students slowly depleting. I am really hoping that this 10 day respite allows everyone to get the much deserved rest that need and come back on April 29th energized and ready to finish out the school year!

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. The hydrangea is beautiful! I just picked up a bouquet of tulips and I'm loving them this week. Also I totally get what you mean about sandals. I've found getting a pedicure right when sandal season starts help my feet start out pretty then I get it another time or two during the summer to hide the runners feet lol.

    Enjoy spring break!! A tip for your wisdom teeth, if you surgeon gives you anti swelling pills - take them! My brother and I got ours done the same day and he fell asleep without taking them one night and he was swollen the next day but I always took them and had no problems.

    1. It’s amazing how much flowers can brighten up a room or patio! I’ve never been a big flower person but I do love this plant. I think I might go for an actual pedicure sometime soon to start off the nice weather.

      Thanks for the advice!! I’m really hoping for no swelling. My sister hardly swelled when she got hers out but my brother was swollen and very bruised! I’ll have to ask if either were given anti swelling pills!

    2. Flowers just make me happy haha. I think I'm going to treat myself to a pedicure the weekend after the marathon. Doesn't make a ton of sense to go before it.

      I know the surgery affects everyone differently too. You could always ask the surgeon if they offer it too.

  2. So glad you get so much time off- hope you feel rested & rejuvenated to face the week ahead :)

    The purple hydrangea plant is GORGEOUS! This makes me want to get one now- sooo beautiful to ring in the spring!

    Confession- I haven’t painted my toe nails since October- eeeek! It’s due time.

    Those napkins are sooo cute.

    Enjoy the rest of your SB, Em!!!

    1. A beautiful plant helps my house look like spring is finally here! It had probably been since the end of last summer that I painted my toenails and I feel much better now that I did! It may be awhile until I do it again lol.
