Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! This was a 4-day week for me so it went by pretty fast. We have some tentative plans for the weekend. Today is my mother-in-law's birthday so we will be going out to dinner at some point and then our friends want to get together one day as well. I'll also squeeze a long run somewhere in there. I hope you all have a good weekend! :)

Green Mountain Cinnamon Sugar Cookie K-Cups
For those of you who don't know, I stopped drinking coffee religiously close to 2 years ago. Lately I've been craving some flavored coffee so this k-cup fell in my hands at the perfect time. John saw this flavor at work and thought I'd like it so he brought it home for me to try. He was right, it's so good! It has a light cinnamon taste that isn't too overwhelming, but covers up the strong coffee taste that I'm not a huge fan of. I like to make it with some vanilla creamer on the weekends and enjoy it while lounging around.

Vitamin C Drops
Last week I got hit with a cold that surprisingly didn't stick around too long. On the first day I woke up with it, I decided to stop at Rite-Aid on the way to work for some DayQuil and ended up grabbing a big bag of Vitamin C drops, too. I am so glad I did because they are great! I used them in place of cough drops {I'm guessing that was their purpose} but I liked them better because they didn't have that medicinal cough drop flavor. The bag I got was a citrus variety. Although my cold is gone, I've still be using them throughout the day if I feel a little itchy throat or just want one.

My mom had given me these a couple weeks ago so when my cold hit, I grabbed them out of the cabinet right away in hopes of shortening my cold since that is what they advertise. Wow wow wow I was actually shocked that they worked! I woke up with my cold on Monday and kicked it by Thursday! Normally they stick around for awhile. I was also taking NyQuil and DayQuil throughout the week but I always take that when a cold shows up so I truly believe these worked. I had the sugar-free cherry flavor and they were okay. The flavor wasn't too strong but by the end I felt like I was like sucking on plastic. I don't know if that was just because they were sugar-free or not.


The Simplicity Challenge
I found out about this challenge on Instagram on New Years Day and jumped right in. Emily Ley, the creator of the Simplified Planner, has created this challenge as a way to simplify your life in 30 days by completing a simple task each day. The challenge can be started at any point throughout the year and could be taken at your own pace. The tasks range from cleaning out your fridge to detoxing your social media feeds. My favorite task so far was simplifying my phone. I deleted so many unused apps and refreshed the wallpaper on my phone.

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. I wish Vitamin C drops would help me if I have a sore throat haha. Not sure if having my tonsils removed is why but if I get a sore throat, I get it BAD. So I use the Chloraseptic lozenges and they're amazing.

    If you're a planner person, I love the Simplified Planner!! It's great since there's a spot for a to do list and dinner so you can see your week at a glance. If Target has it next time I go I'm finally going to pick one up for 2020... It's crazy to think I haven't been to Target once since before Christmas haha.

    One thing I'm loving this week is my Cuddl Duds pjs! Warm without being so warm that I wake up sweating at night.

    1. I've tried those kind before and agree they work so well! I don't remember the last time I got a really bad sore throat. Mine are usually just more annoying than painful.

      I have been thinking about getting the Simplified Planner! I hope my Target has it cause I like to see a planner in person before buying. That is pretty crazy that you haven't been in over a month! Do you have one close by?

      Cuddl Duds sound perfect for this cold weather!!

    2. Mine get so painful most of the time. They also work well for coughs which is great.

      We have one a few blocks away but it's small so they have a super small selection of everything. Definitely go to Target near you and check out the planner!

    3. I'm glad you found something that works!

      I have a Target gift card from Christmas so that would be awesome if they had it!
