Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Favorites

TGIF! I think the universe knew I was excited for this weekend so it made time slooow down. After work I am headed out to Pennsylvania tonight to spend some time with one of my best friends. We don't have any solid plans yet but we do know we are doing our long run together as we are both training for CoDel marathon! Other than that, we will just have a good time like always! I'll be home on Sunday for a little Super Bowl party at my parent's house so busy busy I'll be! Anywho, before I sign off and head into this weekend, I am sharing some things I've been loving this week.

Not a very good picture but I eat it too fast before I can get a good photo... oops!

Honey Cardamom Granola
This is a recipe from Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow. by 2017 NYC Marathon champion Shalane Flanagan and chef Elyse Kopecky. I finally picked up some cardamom last week {why did I not own it before?!} and this was my first recipe I tried out with it. It just needs some basic ingredients {and ground cardamom if that isn't basic to you like it wasn't for me} and it's super easy to make. I made it while meal prepping over the weekend and it's been my go-to snack all week. I may or may not have made it two more times since then... Enjoy it either plain or mixed in with some yogurt!

This top caught my eye while perusing through Dick's Sporting Goods back before Christmas. I'm not sure if it was the color or style but I knew I needed to have it. I resisted but then somehow it ended up under my Christmas tree this year. Luckily it did because it has been my favorite cold weather running top the past few weeks. The moisture-wicking material is lightweight yet still keeps me warm. I absolutely love the look of the high neck and the fact that it keeps my neck toasty. There is a front hoodie-like pocket that is more practical when wearing casually, not while running. Also, the whole Calia by Carrie Underwood brand is super new to me but after looking at other clothing they offer, I love it! 

I'm almost embarrassed to write about this because I've honestly had this food chopper since my bridal shower in June and literally JUST remembered I had it. I typically buy onions at Aldi which means about 6 comes in a bag when I only need a quarter of one for a recipe. When this happens, I chop the remaining onions up and freeze them for recipes in the future. I went to go do this the other day when I realized why do it by hand when I have a food chopper?! Total game changer. I had my onions peeled, chopped, and in the freezer within minutes! This particular chopper has a 3.5 cup bowl where you put the food to be chopped or pureed so it holds a good amount. I was able to put 2 onions cut into quarters into the bowl to chop at a time. I'm excited to use this in the future when making salads or other recipes that involve chopped ingredients.

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. That top is so cute! I love the color since it seems like something you could wear out and about not just on runs which I love.

    I despise chopping onions haha. It's the worst thing ever. My immersion blender came with a similar chopper attachment so I basically cut it into quarters or so and then let the machine do the work. The best! A;sp it's so cute your chopper is purple since that was one of your wedding colors.

    This week I'm obsessed with a bookcase we bought off of Amazon! It fits perfectly into the little nook we have for it and it's nice to not have stacks of books on the furniture.

    1. In the picture I posted I was actually wearing it out bowling. It is super versatile!

      I love not needing to chop onions anymore! I hate everything about chopping them haha. I was so excited that they offered the chopper in purple! Most of the other appliances we registered for were just offered in basic colors so this was fun.

      A bookshelf makes all the difference! I'm glad you found a nice one! We have a small one for now but I'd love a bigger one eventually.

    2. It's so cute and would be perfect for bowling!

      I actually don't like the texture of onions so I end up over chopping them so it basically dissolves into whatever dish I'm making. This way we get the flavor without the texture. It's fun having some pops of color in the kitchen!
