Wednesday, January 22, 2020

My 2020 Goals

Originally I wasn't going to share my 2020 goals on here because I have no intention of doing monthly updates like I did last year. The more I thought about it, I figured why not? Maybe typing them up here and putting them out in the blog-iverse will make sure I keep up with them. Or maybe they will give you an idea for a 2020 goal for yourself if you're still racking your brain for one. Either way, here are the goals I've set for myself {aka typed up in a note on my phone and have been thinking about since the year has started}, enjoy!

Hot chocolate + frozen Cool Whip is a good form of self care on a cold night!

Take Care of Me
Whether this means saying "no" to something or a weekly self-care day, I really want to start making ME happy. So far I've been loving dedicating a part of my Sunday night to putting on a face mask and relaxing.

Just a small fraction of books I want to read {and some I’ve already read!}. 

Read Books I Have in the House
I have a habit of picking up new books from the thrift store whenever a title strikes my eye so my goal is to focus on reading them before buying any more. On Goodreads I set a goal for 12 books this year. I am sure I will surpass that number {I have already read 2 books since January 1st!} but I wanted to pick an attainable number just in case life gets wild, like it usually does.

Not pictured: all the post-it flags marking all the recipes I want to try. 

Try 24 New Recipes
This is actually a goal between John and I. We both are tired of eating the same old, same old, so we have decided to try 24 different recipes throughout the year. The idea is to pick 2 a month: 1 my choice and 1 his choice.

Make Running My #1 Priority
In case it wasn't obvious, I love running. Lately I've been letting the craziness of life keep me from putting my full effort into running as a whole. In 2020 I want to put running at the top of my priority list by following my training plans to the best of my ability and truly incorporating strength training, foam rolling, speed work, and all that other good stuff into my training.

Question of the Day: Did you set any goals for 2020? If so, what is one of them?


  1. I love the first one! I actually just said no to something I don't want to do yesterday. Feels so good!!

    This year I picked a word to have all my goals go towards - growth. So anything I want to do, I want to grow. One of them is less BS haha. So less clutter, saying no to things just to make other people happy. Another one is financial growth. I think I mentioned this but I'm tracking our spending for a few months to see what a realistic budget could be.

    1. It's crazy how good it feels to say no! I'm such a people-pleaser and while that can be good sometimes, it can be sooo draining.

      That is such a great idea to pick the word growth! Financial growth is something we've been working on for awhile with budgeting and focusing on paying off our loan debt. It honestly feels so good being in control of our money!

    2. I'm an introvert so if I say yes to too many things then I get cranky lol.

      It's been nice to have the word to really focus on so that everything can kind of focus on a larger goal then more random ones.

    3. I am the same way! I did a professional development book club at work in the fall and while the book was good, I started to hate going to the meetings every week because it was just another thing to do each week. I chose not to do the spring book club and I'm so happy with my choice!
