Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday Five: 5 Things I’m Loving This Week

This was another week where I wasn't really sure Friday was EVER going to get here but alas, here it is! I'm really looking forward to this weekend as it is a 3 day weekend. My school has off for MLK day on Monday so this tired teacher is happy over here! I have a pretty good weekend ahead of me but that will all depend on how the weather goes since we are due for snow on Saturday. John and I's 8 year dating anniversary is on Sunday so I am really hoping snow doesn't keep us from going out for the day! I guess we'll see... Now onto 5 things I have been loving this week!

I found myself in Target during my holiday break and like always, I perused their clothing clearance. There clearance on clothes is usually hit or miss but this particular day was a major hit for me! I found an adorable purple cardigan that fits me really nicely for less than $12! A goal for me this year is to downsize my wardrobe, which I realize I wasn't doing by purchasing a new sweater, but I do have good intentions for this. In order to downsize my wardrobe, I am trying to build up my wardrobe with good quality clothes that I really love AND can be interchangeable with outfits. This is exactly it. I went home that same day and threw a couple older, cheaper sweaters into my donate/sell box to jump-start my process!

2. 10 Year Challenge
I'm not really sure how it started or what the whole story is, but I've been loving the 10 year challenge people have been doing. If you've been a hermit the past week or so, then I'll explain. On social media, people are sharing a photo of themselves from 2009 and then a photo of themselves from today to show how they've changed in 10 years. I know some people are doing there first Facebook profile picture versus their current one, as well. After seeing a ton people doing it, I decided to dig back into my Facebook albums and find some old pictures of me. Man, was that a trip down memory lane. After awhile I finally chose my sophomore year homecoming picture (this was technically the end of 2008 but oh well...). I honestly don't think I changed very much besides the length of my hair but you tell me haha.

3. Safe
Something about it being cold and dark outside most of the time make John and I feel like we need to constantly binge watch Netflix shows. Over the weekend we started the Netflix original, Safe, and sure enough, we finished it up on Monday night. The show is about a guy whose daughter goes missing after a party one night, along with her boyfriend. Her father takes it upon himself to try and find her himself. It's such a suspenseful story line with tons of twists and turns. It is only one season and I'm unsure if there will be a second.

4. Pimple Patches
Pimple/acne patches have been all over the internet, or at least Buzzfeed, for awhile now. While in a Big Lots store a few months back, I found a small pack of them for less than $2 so I figured it was worth a shot. The whole idea is that you put the patch over a pimple that has already come to a head. The patch is supposed to suck the yuckiness out while also reducing redness. I read somewhere that the pimple had to be one that was popped but I'm not sure if that is true or not. I had used these a few times and saw some good results but it wasn't until this week that I realized how magical these babies really were! On Monday, I had two of the most red, painful pimples that I've had in years. Seriously, I felt like I was back in middle school... Before bed I showered, washed my face, and then put one of these bad boys on each pimple. When I woke up, the previously bigger than ever pimples were now non-existent, except for a little bit of redness left behind. I couldn't complain about the redness, though, because that poor patch had a lot of hard work to do in just one night's sleep. Unfortunately, as soon as I realized these were actually the best thing ever, I went back to Big Lots and I couldn't find them :( I found a lot of them on Amazon but not at as good of a deal as Big Lots was.

5. That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger
I got this book from my school's book fair a few weeks back and I finally got around to reading it. It's a young adult novel, which meant I probably could've read it quickly, but busy schedules happen. Anyway, I found this book really interesting. It's about a girl, Lee, who is a survivor from a school shooting where she witnessed her best friend being shot. Three years post-tragedy, Lee is trying to share the real truth of what happened the day of the shooting since there are many false stories being shared in the media. To do so, Lee begins collecting letters from the other survivors who were witnesses and have their own stories to tell of the events that day. It's really interesting to see how the media can contort any story to make it sound "better."

Question of the Day: What is something you're loving this week?


  1. Always love seeing your faves!! I love that sweater- the color is so lovely! Aw so fun to see your 10 year challenge! Safe sounds soooo goood! And thank you for the book rec & your thoughts. Have a great Wednesday, Em!

    1. Aww thanks, Mack! I'm glad you enjoy reading these! I hope your week is going well, too!
