Monday, January 7, 2019

My Week in Pictures IV

I'm not sure how it is already Monday but I guess it's time to start a new work week. This past week seems like a blur between New Years Eve/Day and getting back into the swing of things at work after such a long break. While looking back at my photos from the week, I realized there aren't many. I guess this either means my week was really busy or I was exhausted the whole week... Both are possible haha. I hope everyone has a great first full week of the new year!

My sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and brother joined us for New Years Eve! My nephew has a huge obsession with Dexter so he was pretty much by his side the whole night.

We had wings from the best little restaurant for an appetizer and then made individual homemade pizzas for dinner.

On Wednesday night, John and I used our new air fryer to make delicious chicken tenders! We then ate them while watching Bird Box. We both thought it was pretty good but weren't huge fans of the ending.

Dexter was a snuggle bug all week and we aren't complaining over here!

I got the news on Thursday that I am a 2019 Nuun ambassador! I'm super excited and can't wait to share my love of Nuun with everyone!

John's mom got me a mustard yellow shirt for Christmas and I've literally never owned anything that color so I was pretty proud of the outfit I put together.

I crossed one thing off my '19 in 2019' list on Saturday when I bought myself  reusable produce bags. One steps closer to helping the environment!

After relaxing most of Sunday morning, I finally pushed myself to go for a 6 mile run, part of which was on a trail I found at my local park.

We ended our weekend by visiting John's best friend at his new house. We got to get a tour, had a yummy dinner, and then played the Christmas Story version of Monopoly.

Question of the Day: Did you do anything fun for New Years Eve/Day?


  1. Where did you get those bags? I only use produce bags for things like brussel sprouts or green beans at this point. Otherwise I just throw it all in my cart. But I do reuse the bags for Bailey so it's better than just throwing them out right?

    1. I found them on one of those random hanging things in the aisles at Acme (my local grocery store. Not sure if they are in North Jersey or not lol). I did find them on Amazon, though! Depending what it is, I just throw it in my cart as well but I figured these would be good for all the stuff that I like to put in a bag. That's great that you have a way to reuse the bags! I usually would just throw them out because I would rip them open, leaving them useless haha.

    2. I've seen Acme before! They just aren't near me haha. I think it's a great idea. I used to knot them but then I stopped and would use them as a sandwich bag for lunch.

    3. I think they're mostly in South Jersey and the Philadelphia area. They aren't anything special lol. That was a smart idea to reuse them! I never thought of that since they're so thin.

  2. I totally have weeks like that too where they just blur on by! I love the pizzas – oh YUM & how are you liking your air fryer?! I didn’t even know monopoly had a Christmas version- how fun! Thanks for sharing your week with us, Em!

    1. So far we are loving the air fryer! We haven't done much more than air fry homemade chicken tenders but they just turn out so juicy and yummy! Thanks for stopping by! I hope school if off to a good start for you!
